P A S T | B I T I N G | B A C K

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"Baby, I have something to tell you." I wrapped an arm around his waist and he flinched as a reaction, withdrawing himself.

Did he just avoid my touch?

Reaching his office, I quickly opened the door, pushed him in, and shut it back for privacy.

"Remove your suit." I demanded and pulled his tie.

"It's fine." He shunned me off.

"The spot on your waist where I grazed with my hand.. It's injured isn't it?" I narrowed my eyes like a fussy fiancé.

"More importantly, you have something to tell right?" He leaned his hips by the table, crossing his arms.

"Oh.. You know what's crucial right now?— Treating your bleeding wound, mister. I thought you attended a meeting? Why do you have to come back with that?" I pointed.

He cussed under his breath when he finally looked on his leaking blood that sullied his expensive suit.

"I know you just built back this kind of organisation so you'd secure our future, but I'm thinking of you quitting from these before we get married— Let's settle things with the troupe before building a family for ourselves."

He just kept his tranquil gaze at me without a word as I swathed his waist in bandages after tending it with proper medication. "Let's go in the hospital.." I stood and returned the kit on the shelves.

"No need—"

"Let's get home and talk about it then." I cut him off, picking my bag as I walked out of the room.

Third Person's P.O.V


"Wait... what are you doing?" Kurapika suspiciously asked while she made sudden clattering in certain corners of their sweet villa.

"Removing bug-devices as you can see.." She gave him the spy device then resumed to find the rest, keeping them in a small box. "Almost forgot about these helpful agents. Kinda handy at times but I'm over it."

Flummoxed by the fact, he only stood, speechless.

"I actually went here in the past and planted these as I secretly rekindled with you. I was the first one to find you yet you never knew." (Y/n) spilt the whole story. "You were wasted at that time... There's also this woman who came back with you and laid you on bed.. I couldn't escape for a moment so I hid in your closet."

"....So the hazy dream I couldn't forget was real. You really came to see me." He breathed out a deep sigh. "You're crazy. You were watching and spying on me all this time huh..? I didn't know my lover's a pervert."

"Hey! I was just trying to look after you! It's really embarrassing to confess this but at least I've told you!" She crumbled into a flustered mess.

"How sly." He pulled her for a kiss on the temple. "I must say, you're the biggest stalker I've ever encountered in my life."

"S-stop it already!!" She hits his chest.

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