T W O | H E A R T S

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Kurapikas P.O.V


It feels like I'm floating through waters... in eternal, desolate dark place..

I reached for the mirrored surface above me, touching the glass that reflected my body.

What am I doing again?

"He needs to be in bed for weeks....."

I stared at myself as the glass slowly cracks 'till it shattered completely.

"What about (Y/n)?....."

"We should help them...."

Voices continued to echo somewhere.


Stale waters turned scarlet as it began to submerge my body, pulling me deep down.


I struggled with all my might as the cold and empty waters began to drown me like I was fated to, sinking helplessly.


"(Y/n)!!" I huffed heavily, sweating from that nightmare.

"Ah!!" Three people stood in shock, watching me from the side.

. . . .

"GEEZ! You scared the hell out of us! Springing up the bed out of nowhere." Leorio pushed me back down.

"What is this??" I sat back, leaning on the bed's board.

"You're in a hospital. We saw the news yesterday and rushed here." Killua explained, letting out a sigh.

"Good thing you survived! We're so glad!" Gon gave me a big hug.

"Yesterday??" I held my head, recalling the last moment I was conscious.

"Don't push yourself Kurapika. The police are doing their best right now." Says the good kid, giving a gesture of reassurance by placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Damn." I pulled out the needle and stuffs' attached in my bandaged arms before getting the covers off as I hurriedly planted my feet down the ground, standing up which instantly failed.

"Dude, get your sh*t together." Leorio assisted me back to bed.

"I have to find her." I stubbornly stood once more, desperately carrying myself, but two pairs of arms caught me before I fell and lose balance.

This is pathetic.

"Kurapika..." The young boys gave the same expressions.

Silence filled the entire room for a minute.

"I have to save her."

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

This is so fucked up.

I want to see him. I sobbed. He's all injured...

Please God, save him.

Being locked up alone felt nostalgic...

Hugging my knees together like I used to, back in the past...

Not knowing I had a knight-in-shining-armor to my rescue.

The encounter with him was literally the core of my life.

I am nothing without him.


Kurapika... take me home...

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