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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Only the three of us remained in this soaring roof— The ground that was about to topple down.

The catastrophic damage got the building losing density.

I doubt enemies would even dare to assault us on this roof... Unless, they're flying helicopters..? Damn.

Night skies were overlapped in thick ashen smoke. The explosion have set an appalling and widespread light, followed by the glow of striking fires like all were a surreal picture from purgatory.

When everything was crumbling to pieces, I found myself standing boldly.

My sole purpose was to get him back.

"Can't you remember me?!" I attempted to enter within his radius, limping as I clutch the pulsating wound...

This cut is nothing.

Kurapika's been far wounded— deep enough to reach his soul...

He's in so much pain that he lost control. His eyes behold nothing but flames of vengeance.

"Aaarrghh!" He wails.

My throat felt like it's tied in thorns. I can no longer create coherent words.

Blood, sweat and tears are all I could offer back.

"(Y/n), enough of the absurdity! He's armed you know!" Killua exclamied, running to my aid. "Don't get yourself killed! You're bleeding too much blood!"

"It's just a graze!"

"Get yourself out here!! Dumbass!"

"No. You stop! Why can't you let me do this?!"

"(Y/n)! He stabbed you! Can't you see?? Talking him out is useless!"

"Then I'll figure something out!-"


With Killua's strength, forcing me out will be a breeze.

I have to redeem myself.

"If you're my friend, you'd understand me." I glowered, putting pressure between my brows.

"Listen. I... I... Tch.."


"I love you." He pushed me off to the safe side before the ground splits.

Rubbles of the estate fell apart.

"Don't try acting cool! You don't think I love you guys?! No one lets me do a damn thing!" My foot pushed through the edge of the split open ground but it was no longer stable for me to stand on. I have to get back to them.


"There's no other way. I'll defeat him and take his unconscious body with us." Killua prepares himself.

"Don't hurt him!! I'll get there even if I have to jump!"

"No you won't." Two pair of arms grabbed me back.

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