E X T R A - II

782 35 9

II. You're worth the risk

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

It's really weird how this man manage to uplift my spirits, even though we just met thrice.

After he dropped me off in front of my place, he gave me a piece of note with his phone number written on it.

"Are you sure you don't want me to say hi to your father?" He crouched down, checking my expression under my hoodie while his hands were resting inside his coat's pockets.

"I mean, if you really want to meet him, then do as you please.." I muttered.

I was currently living with my dad who's more concerned of his dog and young girlfriend. The insensitive adult didn't mind if his daughter got home late...

And my mother's living separately from us with a baby toddler from her new lover, and her treatment towards me was no different from my dad.

With that, I'm basically free to move into either household whenever I want. I'm still their flesh and blood whether they like it or not...

Perhaps, I was made to be an additional ornament to liven up their empty place, but mainly because they didn't want to look like abusive parents in public, since they're both working in a corporate world with great status.

"You're not spreading your legs on streets aren't you? You're just a 7th grader.. Slut around if you're in the age where you can feed yourself." The blunt greeting came from my father. He was just about to leave the house for work, coincidentally bumping us by his doorstep. "Remember, we're sustaining you essential needs.. Try not to be a burden or you'll regret everything, (Y/n)."

See? Their real priority was their own selves. That's all they say whenever they talk to me. Besides, solitude is my one and only best-friend. My existence was weaker than ghosts.

All my life, I've been reading their mood more than retorting. I was afraid they'd be forced to throw me out.. I'm enduring for my own convenience too.

But I can't accept the fact he embarrassed me in front of a noble person.

"Don't assume please. This gentleman just brought me back home out of kindness. You can always think small of me, but don't ever think low of Kurapika." I replied in a formal tone, meeting his sharp gaze I've regularly avoided.

My parents harshly disciplined me throughout my childhood. It was cold, I've almost froze to death all by myself, but despite that, I managed to grow in their gloomy, and icy environment like some exotic, wild blossom.

"Good evening.. I'm a friend of your daughter." The refined minor bows his head in politeness, but I could see his fist clutching tightly.

"..Are you from Hunter's university? I think I've seen you around there." Dad paused and observed his features for a second.

"I was thinking the same thing.. Are you perhaps a friend of our current principal?" He casually conversed. "I'm the student council's president of that school, so we may have met by chance."

"Nice to meet you." It's the first time I saw my sophisticated father offer a handshake with a stranger before leaving with his car.

Now I'm certain why this blond male has a very strong charisma. Nailing his first impression towards anyone was just a natural talent of his. This sassy-smartass is actually living in a world of civilized shit-adults.

"You'd be a great businessman." I uttered in astonishment.

"The first step's done.." Kurapika pulled out a tissue and wiped his right hand.

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