A | D A Y | W I T H O U T | H I M

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V
"Look after Caren. We'll be back in evening!" My mother yells, giving reminders by my door.

I chose to stay with her rather than dad. There was no reason.

Either of them have their own families anyways. As long as I have shelter then that's fine.

"I didn't have time to cook, so go help yourself. There's food in the fridge." She adds.

I can't even feel concern in her voice.

I buried my face in a pillow, squeezing it tight.

I was having a memorable dream just ago... But I don't remember what it was.... It's definitely with that person... with him.


It's my first day without him.

He didn't even want to keep our communication.

There was no way to contact him nor keep updated with his status.

I began to sob. "I don't think I can survive another day."

"I hate that. You remind me of yourself before... You're not a kid anymore. You won't die just because he's not here." She insensitively said then left with the stranger— her new husband, apparently.

She should be the least person telling that on me!

"At least close the door!" I threw my pillow.

And it hits the kid.

My half-sister I guess.

5 years old maybe...

Again... I'm not into close relationship with my father nor my mother's side so I don't care what they do....

But now... Seems like I have to care...

"What are you looking at?? Shoo! Shoo!" I tried to cast her away.

But she continued staring at me like a stupid brat.

"What? Did that woman feed you or not? Tch.." I hate dealing with kids..

She has a nerve to squeeze out another baby even though she's not being a mother. Damn. I leave this house.

I lazily dragged myself towards the kid who's sucking her thumb. "Did you eat or not? ..."

I sighed "Not gonna speak? Fine.." I went pass her, going down to the kitchen.

"Sister!~" she happily grins, tailing me.


Don't shower me with your cutie-act while I'm in my dark soul.

"I'm not in the mood kid. Quit pulling. You're gonna pull my pants off." I brushed her off, pouring milk into a bowl of cereal. There's no reason to trouble myself by cooking.... He's not eating with me anyways..

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