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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

We continued to miss out the party as we remained in a certain area behind the building.

"Listen. Gon's fetching us. Leorio's gonna handle Kurapika." He guides me to a door with a staff only label.

"Killua, can I ask a question?"

He was about to answer as we proceed...

But a certain group.... judging from the number of shadows on the concrete floor has emerged. Just one step of turn and we'll get caught.


I felt like I was hit by a bull when he pushed me behind the shrubs and bushes.

Killua's P.O.V

This is bad.

Please don't be what I think it is.

"Hisoka... I thought he's with you..."



Not only him...

The whole troupe's here!

Shit. I need to get us away here before we're doomed.

"He is... a moment ago~"

"Hisoka.. If by chance, you're doing some weird things behind our back, I'll kill you on spot." The cold voice sent us goosebumps.

"I'm not his babysitter so who are you to boss me around?~"

Their oozing bloodlust scattered through the air... (Y/n) must've sensed it as she gulped faintly.

I can't let her hear any more of this.

"Chill, Feitan... Hisoka knows that. Let boss speak, we're not here for this squabble." The cheeky blond guy sets them apart.

"Everyone may go, except Paku and Hisoka." He dispatched them in a dark manner.

I gazed back at (Y/n), praying that the troupe may never speak his name-

"Understood." One replied before they fled into their different ways.


Phew.. Thank God.

When I thought everything calmed down, we started to sneak away.

"By the way... Killua."

Blood drained out of me when he spoke my name.

I slowly motioned back and met Hisoka's glare.

He found us despite being hidden and covered with these thick shrubs.


I couldn't move an inch.

Are we gonna get caught here...

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