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[A/N: ⚠️Just a reminder: this is a ModernAU, which means they don't have the nen concept in this action. Also, I decided to let Kurapika have his scarlet eyes for this fanfic coz that's just who he is. Without it, his entire character would be incomplete... ]

Kurapika's P.O.V

Everything went blank.

I couldn't reach her and it killed me.

These traces of blood... was it hers??


I don't even have leads anymore...

Witnessing the shattered device from the corner of my sight, my body began to move.

The assault wasn't enough. The phone was even shattered in bits.

Brutal maniacs.

Recollecting myself, my breathings eventually slowed and came to normal, picking up from the phase where I blanked out.

No clues were left unfound as I scouted the entire area.

"They rode another vehicle." Unfortunately, there's no wheel tracks around.

Everything's planned. 

They even had backup.

It wasn't a random abduction. They chose (Y/n)  for a reason.

My legs came to life, springing up as I hurriedly went back to my car. "What the-" The tires got slashed?!

"Who's there?!" I called unto the bushes, staying on guard with eyes scattered cautiously through the surroundings.

"Those eyeballs are lovely." Says the person lurking.

I reflexively held my head, trying to revert my eyes back to normal. A girl's voice.

"Come out." I snarled, ready to take her down but she aggressively replied- "Stay right there!"

"Don't even think about making futile actions or you won't be able to see her. Just do as I say and she'll be returned safe and sound." The female alibi spoke in monotone, stepping out of the tree's shadow.

"The condition?" I demanded, squinting my eyes. She wore a black tracksuit, a cap and a mask that prevented me from distinguishing her face, but that pink hair was familiar.

"Get in your car." The woman strictly ordered, waving a phone in her hand.

The mastermind must be listening through that.

My hands rolled into fists. I'm itching to make her cough out answers.

"Who's your boss?"

"Sorry, not allowed to answer your questions, Kurapika. Now get in. Make it quick."

They know me-

"Playing games with me will only result to your deaths." I gritted my teeth and went in my car.

A letter..

Home Is Where You Are (Kurapika x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now