T H E | T E S T

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[⚠️⚠️⚠️Warning: Violence, murder. Etc.]

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I must be lacking something...

Why can't I torture the troupe with my own hands even though I was dying for it in such a long time...?

I held my stomach, getting acidic from stress these past days.

I should just deliver them to Kurapika— Case closed.


I was working in the Nostrade's office within my first two months, safe and well in the building— But I knew that wasn't all. The real duty comes after I've been fully trained...

It appears they find me as a prodigy... but I don't feel flattered by the idea of possessing such talent capable of turning into a killing machine or something...

As I know, mafia is a type of organized crime syndicate whose primary activities are protection racketeering, arbitrating disputes between criminals, and brokering and enforcing illegal agreements and transactions.

I could've quit since the phantom troupe is in my hands but I'm tied with a so called contract. I have to finish what I started.

I just received a summoning to the headquarters just now...

My first test and duty....

Is to kill someone...

I was accompanied by my seniors. Both of them were to witness and judge my performance. We trudged in the target's location, entering his rundown place without any warning.

This is where I become a full fledge mafia.

"P-please... S-spare me.. spare me.. I have t-three kids and a sick wife. I p-promise to pay the loans I swear." The man raised his voice to a shriek. "I-I'm sorry, I just really need the money t-this time or else my wife could've died."

I tried to get him but he thrashed around, forcing me to beat him up. He whimpered in pain, weakly crawling to reach for the frame— a picture of his family.

I have to do it...

I could make it quick for him..

I bent down, sticking the gun to his head.

"P-Please.." He shook his head, those eyes growing so large that white showed all around.

I'd never seen him, I didn't know him, but his blue eyes were pleading. The stranger's face was pure and gentle. His eyes were the colour of the sky I'd never get out of my mind.... And he would never get to see the skies again either.

My sweaty hands trembled as I pulled the safety trigger. I clenched the gun as I held it tighter. The big guys watched me without remorse in their expressions, truly a killing veteran. If I could just do it.... If I could just shoot a random guy... I could also protect Kurapika at any cost...

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