E X T R A - II pt. 2

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Kurapika's P.O.V

Apparently, you can really only enjoy life when you're extremely busy— A relatable quote I just read on my newsfeed.

It's been a couple of days, and I haven't been texting her as much. I'd like to make time and keep in touch, but when we do, we always end up chatting way too much... It's just addicting.

She and I are both obligated students and I figured it's best if we spend our time smartly.

My schedules got tighter which is exclusive for someone like me, and just when I've got spare time, my annoying friend took it for granted.

"How'd you get yourself excused for a whole week, next week?" Leorio scowls, scribbling random drawings on his notebook. "Man, must be nice to be the school president."

"The school needed a representative for another academic competition.." I muttered. "Stop wasting time and copy my notes, so I could go home already."

"Yeah.. yeah." He clicked his tongue, running his fingers up through his hair.

It was a lie.

Taking leave from school was something personal.

It's time to enter the mafia community.

Even if I couldn't prove a legitimate reason for my long absence, the principal allowed me to go, since he and I were both in good terms, but mainly because I've earned this privilege myself due to my impressive records and performance.

"I knew we'd stay overtime, even though it's dismissal." The cool kid enters with his adorable buddy. "Liorio's slacking off and borrowing Kurapika's notes again." They sat around us.

"C'mon, how many times do we have to go through this.. It's Leorio!-"

"Whatever!" The smug one placed his arms behind his head

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"Whatever!" The smug one placed his arms behind his head.

Ah- My mouth hung open in disbelief after I caught this idiot missing out some labels, and variables as he speeds up his writings. He's already copying the precise answers, so why can't he do it right?! Though, he finally filled out one page, so I'm not telling-

"Killua, quiet down. We're in the senior's classroom." The goody two-shoes hushed him down.

"Wha- We're the only ones here, silly!" He frowned, giving his best-friend a light flick on the forehead.

"But still-"

"Was it the usual?" Killua scoots his chair closer to the table, ignoring Gon's rumbles.

"He's procrastinating homework which's due yesterday. The teacher gave him one last chance today." I scoffed, hitting the back of Leorio's head with my pencilcase.

"Shut up, guys! I'm trying to concentrate here!" Complained the irresponsible senior, slamming his pen above his notebook.

"It's your fault you're in this situation, stupid!" Our blunt freshman grumbled, kicking Leorio's leg under his work surface.

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