Y O U N G | L I A I S O N

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Daniel's P.O.V

The whole troupe's currently staying in an extravagant penthouse— One of the Kakin Family's establishments in my hometown, near Yorknew city.

Sprawling on the couch next to Chrollo, I discreetly caused discord while getting with the bottom of something. "Did you agreed with Pariston's deal before because you really can't afford to win against (Y/n)'s plan?"

"Damn brat, watch your words." Feitan walks in, carrying loads of parcels with Franklin in the wide living room.

"After news came that Kurapika's dead, we already guessed that (Y/n)'s after us for revenge.." Machi nonchalantly answered, slightly lowering the book from her face as she threw me a cold glance.

"We couldn't care less but we wanted to avoid casualties and reserve ourselves for the Kakin family..." The pink haired woman which sat across us, casually continues, setting down the book on the small table in between us.

"There's just no benefit sparing our time with that woman." She scoffs, fetching her laptop then placing it above her lap, minding her own business.

"Pariston eventually knew about our next business so he arranged things for us with the fourth prince in exchange for temporarily playing along with his niece. That guy is real nasty." The tall man with dark long hair, and lean body joined with the topic whilst cleaning his deadly katana by the corner of the carpet.

Little they know, I'm a liaison like Pariston— A better one— Since a double agent should always stick to a certain team from the two parties.

But on the case of (Y/n)'s uncle, he's not in either sides but for his own.

"But as the expedition's about to embark, we found that Kurapika's still alive and (Y/n) originally wanted us as baits to lure him out. Pariston fooled us for covering up his niece's real plan." Nobunaga stood, practicing his swift swings with his menacing weapon.

"So, we're taking a little detour with plans. Luckily, we bumped into you... and that gave us a miracle— A great chance without a risk. But things are just starting, right boss?" He made a dark grin.

Too bad. Kurapika has the perfect chance when he faked his death— He had full advantage in hunting down this clueless troupe.

If these guys didn't knew the real situation early, he could've fulfilled his revenge. To think that Kurapika and that girl is actually racing after the troupe...

Ah. And that Hisoka...

If (Y/n) didn't meddle, who knows whether Kurapika or Hisoka will win against them.

"Why are you so casual with him? I still don't trust this kid." The crude and shortest male in the group slams a box over the rectangular ceramic table, growling at me.

He's almost in the same height as that bob-cut haired brat.

"Oi, you're going to ruin the tools. Can't you see the label? It says: Handle with care!" Phinks brought down a fist over the package.

"I could say the same to you." Feitan glared.

"Chill out." Franklin pats the blond male's shoulder then sat on a chair, unboxing some of the packages, and pulling out lethal variety of guns.

"We have grudge against Kurapika, and this kid wanted revenge against (Y/n). He already killed her family... Do you still think that damn couple is working with Daniel?" Phinks curled his fingers inward towards his palms, clenching his fists before stretching it out and balling them tight again.

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