Theia Odinsdottir

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Theia Odinsdottir, daughter of Odin and Frigga, twin sister of Thor and adoptive sister of Loki, is capable of bending light to her will. But what happens when her life is plunged into cold and darkness?

Her father, Odin, was the AllFather- Protector of the Nine Realms. With this responsibility, Odin had fought dangerous beasts, demons and monsters, conquered foreign realms and subsequently kept the peace created in the Nine Realms. When the Frost Giants invaded Midgard, just over 1000 years ago, attempting to enslave the mortals and reduce their planet to a New Ice Age, Odin courageously led his Asgardian army against Laufey, the King of Jotunheim. After the Asgardians came out victorious over the Frost Giants, in exchange for his life, Laufey agreed to a peace treaty between Asgard and Jotunheim. Odin's forces then confiscated the Casket of Ancient Winters from one of Laufey's temples, securing that the Frost Giants wouldn't attack any other realms ever again.

Whilst exploring the temples, Odin discovered a Frost Giant infant, Loki, the son of Laufey, left to die. Odin and Frigga already had twins, Thor and Theia, but they adopted Loki as their own and used sorcery to change Loki's appearance to that of an Asgardian, keeping his true identity secret.

Theia Odinsdottir's Point of View

"You really ought to do better than that." I stated breathlessly after wrestling my golden-haired brother Thor to the ground and resting my foot on his chest in victory, letting out a sweet giggle after he grabbed my ankle and pulled me down onto my chest next to him.

"And you ought to know better than to think you have won." he challenged with a devilish smirk before getting up and pushing his staff into my back to prevent me moving, with my long, fair hair cascading on the marble floor.

"Alright alright! But I will get you next time." I admitted as Thor released me from underneath the staff, even though I know that I probably won't beat my much stronger twin. Suddenly the tall, ornate, golden doors creaked open revealing our raven-haired brother, Loki, wearing a slight smirk.

"If you two would stop pretending that your warriors, you will realise that Mother has been calling your name, Theia, for the past five minutes." he declared bossily as Thor pulled me from the floor as I fixed my hair and long play gown.

My light blue eyes filled with panic at the realisation that I may be in trouble. I turned to the doors and started running towards Loki. "Oh dear! Thank you, brother. Don't get into trouble without me!" I called as I ran out the doors in the direction of mother's calls.

"Also, Father has asked to see us in the trophy room." Loki added raising his eyebrows waiting for his brother to jump into action and follow him towards the trophy room.

Almost as if someone pushed him, Thor careered forwards in pursuit of Loki, "He must finally be telling us that I will be King instead of you!" he joked while passing in front of Loki and running through the palace.

"In your dreams." Loki muttered under his breath before chasing after his brother.


"You wanted to see me, Mother?" I questioned, peering my head around my parent's bedroom door, spotting mother reading a small decorative book. Her long blonde hair was wrapped up in a detailed undo with a few loose strands framing her kind face. She was wearing an olive-coloured dress with a long cape flowing over her shoulders.

She looked up, her eyes locking with mine, and a smile creeped from the corners of her lips. "Yes, well your father is giving your brothers a tour of his trophy room and teaching them about the relics he has gained in battle." she started, as she put down the book on the silky sheets of the bed and moving closer to me. "So, I thought I would share a special place with you" she said taking my little hand in hers and walking me down the halls of the palace.

"What kind of place?"

"A special place just for you and no one else." Frigga claimed giving my hand a little squeeze as we continued towards the palace gardens.

She then walked towards a small wooden door in the corners of the walled garden and gestured for me to go through the door. As she lifted the detailed, silver handle a spacious, yet quaint courtyard emerged behind it with wisteria and ivy vines crawling up the stone walls. The luscious green grass blanketing the floor with many different types of flowers shaking gently in the warm breeze. In the corner there was a small stone fountain with a golden figure gracefully balanced on top of the crystal water.

A wide and bright smile erupted from my face as I stepped further into the hidden paradise while turning constantly to truly take in the scene. I then turned and ran towards the fountain and sat at the base, admiring the beauty of the golden statue. Suddenly, I looked over at the sunlight shining on a patch of flowers and then back to the golden statue when the sunlight moved and shone brightly on the statue. "Did you do that?" Frigga questioned with surprise.

"Do what?" I asked, puzzled as to what I had done.

Frigga gestured towards the now beautifully lit statue in the corner. "Move the light from the flowers? Try again." She encouraged, and as she spoke, I directed the light back to the flower patch as my mother squealed with delight over my newfound abilities.

"I did that?" I asked in astonishment as I moved the light again onto the lilac crawling wisteria as Mother clapped, her eyes glossing over with pride. I stepped over to the flowers and cupped my hands together to scoop up the light. It grouped in a little orb and softened into my hand. Mother walked up behind me, placing her hands on my shoulders, admiring the delicate orb of light in my little hands. I smiled back at her, cocking my head to the side in question of what to do with it. She nodded to me, smiling. I released the orb up into the air and little sparks of light shimmered as they floated around us leaving glittering specks all around the garden, leaving it glimmering. The light danced and twirled around the walls and glowing on my face.

"I will help you and teach you how to understand and control them. Ok?" she asked with hope as I turned to my mother pulling her into an embrace and nodded my head in excitement, as the sparks continued to rain down on us.


Odin walked down the trophy room full of his prized relics with Loki's hand in one hand and Thor's in the other as he told them the story of the Jotunheim-Asgard War telling of the Asgardian victory and how they took the Frost Giants energy source: The Casket of Ancient Winters. "But the day will come, when one of you will have to defend that Peace."

"Do the Frost Giants still live?" little Loki questioned anxiously.

"When I'm King, I'll hunt the monsters down and slay them all!" Thor exclaimed while acting out swinging a sword, as if in battle to show his bravery and desire to fight like a warrior before looking up to his father who was stood behind the casket. "Just as you did, Father."

"A wise king never seeks out war." Odin stated as he glanced between his sons as they looked back at him with keen adoration. "But he must always be ready for it."

Odin then walked back down the hall to the stairs at the exit. Thor and Loki looked at each other with excitement as they turned and chased after their father together. "I'm ready, Father." Thor exclaimed as he caught up to Odin and took his hand again.

"So am I." Loki cut in as he believed he deserved an equal shot to Thor even after living in his shadow for most of their lives.

"Only one of you can ascend to the throne, but both of you were born to be kings." Wise Odin finished as he led his sons out of the throne room, not knowing how this growing rivalry and desire for the throne between his sons would tear our family apart.

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