Chapter 11 ~ The Tesseract

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The days turned into weeks after Loki's death. He couldn't receive a proper Asgardian funeral because there was no body to be recovered, but I still mourned him just the same.

The war in the Nine Realms continued to grow but Asgard remained strong, everyone saw that Odin was stronger than they previously thought after the death of Laufey. Stefan's father was killed in battle against Alfheim, so Stefan was now king. Hopefully he will make a better king than fiancé, but I highly doubt it.

I trained harder every day, ready to fight in the war. The barracks near the castle was always very busy, but now more than ever. Everyone wanted to fight for our kingdom, which, of course was great, but I did prefer to train when there weren't a hundred men around, especially because Sif and I were the only women. It could be a little intimidating at times.

One day I was practicing my knife throwing, which was an area I was weaker in, and I accidentally threw a knife into the highest shelf of the weapons storage. This was not particularly practical as I wasn't very tall. I reached up as high as I could before I saw a shadow, much taller than myself reach up for the knife. I turned around and saw one of the 'biggest and baddest' (well that's what they called him) warriors.

His name was Nathair. His face was extremely chiseled and he had a light brown beard covering the lower half of his face. His lips were plump, and his deep brown eyes could pierce into your soul. He had short light brown hair that was prickling out of his helmet. His strong eyebrows made him look rather scary.

I stepped back crashing into the weapons storage, causing a few swords to fall onto the floor. I smiled awkwardly, trying to hide my nerves and fear. He pulled the knife out of the wood and passed it to me.

"Thank you." I chuckled dryly, taking the knife in my hand and fiddling with the loose string on the handle.

"You're welcome, but you might want to work on your aim, it was pretty off." He grunted as he turned to walk away.

Well, that was quite rude. I don't know why but at the moment the smallest little thing would rile me up and this got my blood bubbling. "Hey! What do you think I was doing?" I called after him sassily.

"We're you trying to take your anger out on the weapons storage?" He responded with a similar level of sass that was getting disrespectful. Did he even know who he was talking to?

My blood was getting hotter causing my cheeks to flush, but not in a cute little girl way, more like angry flush. He was obviously trying to make me mad. I crossed my arms over my chest. "No, obviously not, it was an accident, but it won't be an accident when I punch you in your smug mouth." I hissed as he raised his eyebrows.

Not to sound big headed or anything but I could take this guy, even if he was the 'biggest and baddest'.

"Not to sound disrespectful but I don't think you could reach my mouth." He laughed as he picked up one of the swords I had knocked to the floor.

"Do you even know who I am?!" I cried angrily, not to brag about being the princess but more to brag about my own triumphs in battle and my powers.

"Not a clue, my dear." He said patronisingly as he pressed his fingers against the tip of the long sword.

I uncrossed my arms over my chest. "Well, maybe you would like to find out." I added before picking up another sword from the floor and slashing it against his own. His sword slammed into the ground as I pointed my own at his neck. He had his hands up by his head, surrendering, before he whacked my sword up out of his face and kicked my hand causing me to drop the sword.

I charged at him, raising both my fists in attack, he grabbed both of them in his own, before pulling me into a headlock. I jumped my feet up from the floor and pulled them back down at high-speed causing him to flip over my head onto his back. Wasting no time, I jumped on his chest, picking the sword back up and pressing it to his neck.

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