Chapter 8 ~ Midgard

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Sif and The Warriors Three were gathered in the lounge again discussing Loki's new title. Fandrall was pacing the room in a frenzy as he watched Volstagg pick at the food on a platter in his lap as he lazed on the sofa.

"One of our dearest friends banished, the other being forced to marry a stranger, Loki on the throne, Asgard on the brink of war, yet you've managed to consume four wild boar, six pheasants, a side of beef and two casks of ale. Shame on you. Don't you care?" He questioned in irritation as he slapped Volstagg's platter out of his hands, spilling the remaining food onto the floor.

Volstagg stood up towards Fandrall in anger as he shouted. "Do not mistake my appetite for apathy!"

Sif and Hogan stepped towards them to break them up. "Stop it, both of you!" she demanded. She took a deep breath. "We all know what we have to do." She muttered quietly.

"We must go." Hogan decided as the others placed their eyes on him in surprise. "We must find Thor."

"It's treason." Fandrall sighed.

"To hell with treason, it's suicide." Volstagg grumbled.

"Thor and Theia would do the same for us." Sif added firmly.

"Now shush. Heimdall might be watching." Volstagg half joked before the doors burst open, revealing a palace guard.

"Heimdall demands your presence." The guard ordered before turning and leaving.

As I was walking through the castle, I heard Volstagg say: "We're doomed." making me stop and head towards them. I walked in on Sif, Volstagg, Fandrall and Hogun all looking at each other before seeing me looking at them. I'm still super angry by the way.

"Why are you doomed?" I asked eyeing them suspiciously, raising my left eyebrow and cocking my head to the side. They all looked to each other trying to decide what to do. "I'm waiting." I say impatiently with a rising inflection.

"We... um." Fandrall started.

"We are going to rescue Thor." Sif admitted taking us all by surprise.

A wide smile curled from my mouth; my eyes lit up. An adventure! To Midgard! I haven't been there yet. I had practically forgotten all about Prince Stefan and his dirty little mistress, this was my chance to get my brother back. I almost couldn't contain my excitement, but I had too. If we were going to pull this off, we needed to be stealthy. It was treason what we were doing, and I am already worried about Loki's sanity, so this could send him over the edge.

"I'm in." I say confidently as I share a smile with Sif.

"Heimdall has requested our presence though, he must know of our desire to betray Loki." Fandrall says desperately as he runs his fingers though his previously perfectly positioned hair.

"Well, we will just have to get past him too. Come on." I say as I lead them down the halls of the castle, on the way to Heimdall.

We arrived at the Bifrost to see Heimdall waiting on his podium, looking particularly stern. "You would defy the commands of Loki, our king, break every oath you have taken as warriors and as princess, and commit treason to bring Thor back?" He boomed as we all looked to the floor in fear for what will happen to us.

"Yes." Sif admitted as confidently as she could muster.

"Good." He chimed lightly, shocking us greatly.

"So, you'll help us?" She asked as Heimdall began to glide towards us and then we parted in the middle for him to pass.

"I am bound by honour to our king. I cannot open the bridge to you." He stated before walking away across the rainbow bridge leaving us all in a state of confusion.

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