Chapter 47 ~ 4th of July

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A couple of weeks ago, I woke up with a feeling.

It wasn't a bad feeling; it was an amazing feeling but I had no idea what it meant.

Everything felt completely different. I was led next to Steve, but it was like someone had put a dial on my feelings and turned it up to eleven and I had no control over it.

Looking back on it, I should have known I was pregnant. I had the feeling that I had a whole new level of responsibility and could have probably guessed that that responsibility would be the twins that I was carrying.

I didn't instantly know what it was but as soon as I walked into Wanda's room to check on her, she instantly knew (being able to read minds and all).

I walked in and her eyes widened with shock, not knowing whether to tell me or not. I asked her what it was, and she pretended she didn't know anything but I saw straight through her. After pestering her for the next few days she finally told me.

I then took a pregnancy test just to make sure and sure enough it came back positive. I was about to tell Steve that he was going to be a father before I realised that I had the perfect opportunity to make it special.

It was his birthday in just a few weeks. He didn't exactly like to celebrate his birthday from what he had told me especially since it wasn't spent with Bucky, but I still thought it would be a nice surprise/birthday present.

The rest of the Avengers were busy preparing the small party that we had arranged for his birthday at the compound while Wanda and I prepared how I was going to tell him.

We had settled on giving him a wrapped-up box and inside would be the positive pregnancy test. It may be simple, but I thought it was perfect. Especially after Wanda suggested that I should take another test and put two in there, one for each baby.

I wrapped up the little box just before joining Steve in bed the night before his birthday.

His birthday was on the 4th of July which was apparently a very important day for America so he couldn't even be angry about the party because we could easily blame it on that.

I rolled over in bed and wrapped my arms and legs around his back as the sunlight streamed through the curtains to our room. I hummed in his ear as he started to stir. "Good morning." He grumbled quietly before turning around under the sheets to face me.

"Happy Birthday." I smile sweetly as he leant in to kiss me softly. I smiled into the kiss and lazily drooped my arms around his neck as his hand swept up and down my bare back. "Now, what does the birthday boy want for breakfast?" I playfully asked him.

"You." He mumbled as his kisses trailed down my neck to my chest while I laughed at his response.

"Well, that can certainly be arranged." I chuckled as he shifted his body so that he was now leaning over me with one hand resting to the side of my face and the other holding onto the bed frame.

He then leant down and started kissing me intensely. I don't think I need to say what happened next...

After a while (and I mean a while) we both went down to the kitchen to get some actual breakfast. We both settled on cereal, knowing that lunch wasn't far away and there was a barbecue.

"We have a few hours before the party, what do you want to do?" I asked him in between mouthfuls of cereal.

"Wanna go on a jog?" He asked trying to hide his excitement.

I laughed a little at his excitement over a simple thing like a jog. "Jog? Are you sure you don't mean marathon?" I joked earning a chuckle from him.

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