Chapter 16 ~ Suit Up

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I paced down the corridors in search for Tony and Steve. I first looked in the destroyed and empty lab we were all in earlier, but there were only agents cleaning up the broken glass. I only knew of four locations on the Helicarrier, the lab, the main deck, the storage unit Steve and I snuck into and the place where Loki's cell used to be. I figured they wouldn't be in the storage unit so headed in the direction of Loki's cell.

As I neared the entrance, I heard Tony's voice echoing down the hall. I slowly revealed myself around the corner. "We are not soldiers. I'm not marching to Fury's fife." He sneered at Steve.

"Neither am I." Steve responded. "He's got the same blood on his hands that Loki does. But right now, we got to put that behind us and get this done. Loki needs a power source. If we can put together a list..." He trailed off as I stood in the archway, they had both acknowledged my presence, but were so wrapped up in their investigation that I just listened.

"He made it personal." Stark but in as his eyes widened in realisation. Steve hadn't noticed his revelation yet, but I stopped leaning on the door frame and stood up straight.

"That's not the point." Steve tried to reason.

"That is the point. That's Loki's point. He hit us all right where we live. Why?" He quizzed Steve who still looked confused.

"To tear us apart." He answered as he glanced over to me.

"Yeah, divide and conquer is great, but he knows he has to take us out to win, right? That's what he wants. He wants to beat us and he wants to be seen doing it. He wants an audience." Stark concluded. Of course, he was correct. Loki is an extremely extravagant person who craves a show, a performance. I bet if he could put a huge statue of himself in Asgard, he would.

I moved further into the room. "Right. I caught his act in Stuttgart." Steve added as Stark paced around the room, his thoughts practically visible, floating around his head at high speed.

"Yeah, that's just previews. This is opening night. And Loki, he's a full-tilt diva, right? He wants flowers, he wants parades. He wants a monument built to the skies with his name plastered... Son of a bitch." Tony blurted out as I nodded along to the part about Loki, but I was lost by his realisation.

Steve and Tony burst into action. Tony ran off out one of the exits, but Steve jogged towards me. "What's going on?" I asked him as he ran past me, and I followed him out of the room and down the hall.

"Loki is going to use Stark Tower as the base for the portal. We need to get to New York and fast. Follow me." He said as we ran down the corridor. We ended up at a door with the word 'Male' on it. I assumed it was some sort of changing room as Steve stopped awkwardly outside. "I um, you can wait out here if you would like, I er, just need to put on the uniform..." He trailed off his voice ringing with awkwardness, but it was a cute awkwardness.

"By all means, Captain. I'll just wait out here." I giggled as he walked into the door a little as he entered the changing rooms. It was strange. Most men on Asgard were desperately trying to show off their body and try and get their hands on yours, but Steve was adorably flustered. I appreciated the fact he was a gentleman about it.

I leant against the wall, waiting outside the changing rooms for a few minutes. Steve pushed the door open, revealing his patriotic uniform. It sculpted in all the right places making him look like real superhero, which I guess, was what he was. I looked him up and down admiring the view before I got a wave of a masculine aroma. He must have applied some sort of perfume, because he definitely smelt 100 times better than when he entered the changing room.

I sniffed slightly to not make it too obvious that he now smelt amazing, as well as looking it. He raised his eyebrows a little. Damn, he must have noticed my pathetic admiration. "You... look great." I complimented pathetically, drool practically dripping from my lips.

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