Chapter 75 ~ Bye Bye Sunshine

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It all happened so quickly.

Thor dragged Loki and I out of the room and to the main hall of the ship, where invaders were already attacking the already exhausted inhabitants.

Loki whipped out his daggers and started fighting the invaders and Thor grabbed a sword and started swinging.

"Get to the escape pods and head to Earth!" I yelled continuously at anyone near as the ones that hadn't instantly been slaughtered tried to flee the hall as I fought the army of aliens using the power from the Tesseract. It was strange, I knew I could feel the power of one Infinity Stone because Loki had one but it was stronger than any other time I had felt the power.

It was pandemonium. Asgardians were being killed on all sides but I couldn't stop. We had to fight. Whoever these people were, they couldn't be my end.

Blasts from the attacking ship, shook the floor causing me to fall down as my ears were tormented by the screams of fear.

Sinikka grabbed my wrist and yanked me out of the crowd and through a corridor I hadn't walked through. Alarms bleared while red lights flashed. Burst pipes were steaming as we sprinted to wherever she was leading me.

She thrust the door open to some sort of control room. I instantly recognised a type of radio signal and rapidly pressed the buttons urgently. "This is the Asgardian refugee vessel Statesman! We are under assault, I repeat, we are under assault – The engines are dead, life support failing! Requesting aid from any vessel within range...We are 22 jump points out of Asgard. Our crew is made up of Asgardian families, we have very few soldiers here! This is not a war craft, I repeat, this is not a war craft!" I yelled into the speaker, praying on any strand of hope that there was someone out there that could help us.

Just as I finished the door burst open and an ugly tall creature thrust a spear through Sinikka's chest. I screamed with paralysing rage as I mindlessly charged all the power I could muster and threw it at the beast.

It fell to its knees as I continued to torture it before snatching its spear from out of its hand and Sinikka's chest and sliced its head off. I watched its limp body clatter to the floor and the sound of the booming alarms were no longer present as I shrieked at Sinikka's dead body.

She was taken in an instant. There was no tearful goodbyes as the blood escaped out of the gaping hole in her chest and no last words. She was gone.

"I pray that you find yourself in the paradise of Valhalla and beg you to give my mother a kiss." I wept into her bloody clothes.

I sobbed while clinging onto her frame, shaking her in a desperate attempt to get her back. I lost all composure of my emotions and let every single horrendous feeling escape my body through my wails.

Sinikka had been there for me since I was born. She helped me escape my father's grip when I needed to be by myself. She comforted me when Loki 'died' and prepared me for my mother's funeral. She was there for me whenever I needed and now she's gone with the strike of a blade.

Sinikka would have never forgive me if I stayed here, crying over her, while I could have been saving people.

Determination for revenge overtook my body as I jumped to my feet after kissing her on the forehead, one last time. I sprinted out the door and back to the fight.

But it had been an incredibly brief fight.

I gasped as I looked around at the masses and masses of corpses around my feet. The room was encased in darkness and everything was on fire.

As soon as my presence was realised by the enemy, an odd looking alien with a long and wide face with its eyes too far apart held his hand up to me and I shot into the air against my will, my limps stretched out to just before the point of them snapping off.

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