Chapter 57 ~ Meeting Bucky

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Seeing Steve angrily storm out of the room he was supposed to be staying in, confirmed my theory that he would stand his ground. 

He stomped over to where I was sat with clenched fists. 

I shifted my chair towards him a little and took one of his fists into my hands and unclenched them, holding his palm against mine in hopes of calming him down. He smiled sadly before standing behind my chair and running his fingers through my blonde locks lovingly. 

"Aren't you supposed to stay in there?" I cooed, leaning my head back to see his face.

"I guess you're right. God, you always are." He sighed with a smile. He spun the chair around and held out his hand to help me up. 

"I know. I get it from my mother." I giggled as we wandered, a lot calmer and hand in hand, through the sea of agents towards the now vacant 'cell'. "I'm guessing it didn't go particularly well with Tony." I sighed as Steve helped me down into a different chair.

"It was alright until we started talking about Wanda. Every time I begin to think he may actually make a good decision; he proves me wrong." He snapped as he started pacing up and down the length of the glass room while rubbing his temple with his thumb. 

"I don't like what he said about Wanda." I stated sadly thinking back to their discussion I watched on the monitor and looking down to my hands.

"You were listening?" Steve stopped pacing as he looked around for the cameras before noticing his self on the monitors just through the glass. 

"Saves me having to ask you what happened." I smiled trying to lighten the mood. I knew that Steve wouldn't like the fact he was being watched mainly because I didn't like the fact I was being watched. I looked up from my hands. "I still haven't signed either, you know?"

"If they do force you to leave, you know I'll come with you. We could go to Asgard, I think your father would be more than happy to see you." He suggested.

"Yes, my father would be delighted... but Heimdall warned me that I couldn't go back until I was 'taken back', not that I really understand what that means." I explained even though he didn't completely understand as I didn't tell him that my father was actually Loki in disguise because I had a feeling I wasn't supposed to. "So, Asgard is kind of out of the question."

"We could just run away?" Steve suggested but I shushed him before gesturing to the cameras, reminding him of our surveillance. 

"We would be leaving a lot behind." I sighed looking through the glass walls to Nat and Tony and then to Sam in his glass room and lastly, to Bucky on the monitor. "You just found him. We can't leave now."

Steve sighed and walked towards the wall so that he could look at the monitors closely. We couldn't hear a word from outside, but I had a hunch that the interrogation was about to start as all the screens switched to different angles of Bucky.

The surrounding agents stopped what they were doing and watched intently as a dark-haired man walked onto the scene. 

Suddenly, the door burst open, and Sam was ushered through the door where he sat down opposite me. I gave him a faint smile and a nod, which was returned but Steve barely noticed as he stared at his oldest friend locked in a cage, like an animal. 

After a few minutes of watching the noiseless interrogation, I started to zone out a little as I started to play with the sheets of paper that were dotted around the table, but Sam and Steve's eyes were glued to the screen. 

The door then opens a second time. This time, to Sharon Carter.

I had already decided that I had seen enough of this woman and that I didn't like her, but it was starting to get irritating now. I see Steve's head spin round when she enters and her longing doe eyes stare at him making me bite down on my cheeks and dig my nails into my palms. 

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