Chapter 3 ~ Jotunheim

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As soon as my feet hit the ground of the frozen planet, a gush of icy air washed through my hair. I looked around and took in the chilling surroundings.

It was deserted.

We couldn't see a sign of life, apart from ourselves.

I looked up one of the mountains and spotted a temple sort of structure. It was tall and intimidating, as if they needed to make the surroundings look even more unsettling.

"We shouldn't be here." I heard Hogun mutter as the blistering wind whistled past my ears, sending a chill down my spine.

"Let's move." Thor commanded as he led us toward the terrifying temple.

As we walked, shards of rock fell from the caves, smashing on the ground into hundreds of little shards, like glass. Even though there wasn't a creature in sight, I could feel many pairs of eyes baring into my soul like daggers. We turned past a large rock and were plunged into darkness, the rock blocking out the little light previously provided.

"Where are they?" Sif asked taking in the desolate surroundings.

"Hiding, as cowards always do." Thor replied, his voice coursing with deep rage, burning to be exposed.

"You've come a long way to die, Asgardians." I head a deep chilling voice boom as it echoed off the long walls, making the hair on my neck prick up.

"I am Thor Odinson!" Thor thundered as he stepped towards the King of the Jotuns.

The tall beast narrowed his eyes, regarding us like a predator views a prey. "We know who you are." He hissed.

"How did your people get into Asgard?" Thor boomed as he demanded answers.

The King moved his head into the desolate ray of light, highlighting his blood red eyes as he took a deep menacing breath. "The House of Odin is full of traitors." he growled.

This riled up Thor even more causing him to lurch forward towards the frost giant. "Do not dishonour my father's name with your lies!" He raised his hammer from his side in a threatening way.

Laufey stood up suddenly in anger. "Your father is a murderer and a thief! And why have you come here? To make peace? You long for battle. You crave it. You are nothing but a boy trying to prove himself a man." Laufey boomed as Frost Giants began to circle and close in on us, his red eyes glowing with hatred.

Thor, still blinded by his rage, hadn't notice our new friends creeping up on us. "Well, this 'boy' has grown tired of your mockery." he hissed as the surrounding Frost Giants arms turned into menacing blades of ice.

Loki crept towards Thor, worried for their safety and whispered to him: "Thor stop and think. Look around you we are outnumbered."

"Know your place brother." Thor growled as his grip tightened around Mjolnir.

"You know not what your actions would unleash." His face full of bitterness as he looked down at us. "I do. Go now while I still allow it."

A Frost Giant stepped forward threateningly, as Loki flashed a nervous smile to the King of Jotunheim. "We will accept your most gracious offer." he pleaded. He turned to face me, raising his eyebrows, alerting me to leave with him, but I wasn't going anywhere without Thor. I heard Thor grunt in anger. Loki turned back beckoning his brother. Thor then turned to follow Loki before Laufey called after him.

"Run back home, little princess."

Well, that did it.

"Absolutely not." I smirked as I drew my weapon from over my shoulder ready to fight. I had this staff that was infused with my powers that split into two batons, when necessary, and this seemed a good time to use them. Thor laughed raising Mjolnir and swinging it back to blast a Frost Giant backwards, knocking them out.

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