Chapter 7 ~ King Loki

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Loki was made King?

The others raised their left hand over their hearts as they put one knee on the floor in a bow.

"My King, we would ask that you end Thor's banishment." Sif asked on her knee.

Loki began to chuckle lightly as he walked around the throne. "My first command cannot be to undo the Allfather's last. We're on the brink of war with Jotunheim. Our people need a sense of continuity, in order to feel safe in these difficult times. Theia's marriage to Stefan has allowed us peace with Vanaheim, but the other realms are watching Asgard intently, waiting for a slip-up. All of us must stand together for the good of Asgard." Loki said as he walked slowly down the stairs towards them.

Sif was glaring at Loki with utmost disgust as she suddenly raised from her knee in pursuit of Loki before she was grabbed by the arms by Volstagg and Fandrall.

"Yes, of course." Fandrall chuckled nervously as he pulled Sif back down to her knee.

"Good. Then you will wait for my word." Loki asserted as he glared back at Sif.

"If I may beg the indulgence of Your Majesty to perhaps reconsider-"

"We're done!" Loki boomed as he interrupted Volstagg. The Warriors Three stood up and retreated out of the room leaving Sif to glare at Loki before she spotted me hanging around the doorframe, she gave me a stifled smile before turning and following the others.

"Theia, I know you are there." He called sternly as I creeped from my hiding spot to stand in front of him.

"Do I have to bow as well?" I joked as he stared down at me as father would. "Ok, wow.  Sorry father." I teased sarcastically as he returned to sit down on the throne.

"Theia, do not think that because Father is in the Odinsleep, I will not be undoing his plans, you are still to marry Stefan in six days, the preparations have already begun. What cake flavour would you like?" He said smiling slightly as he knew I couldn't take him seriously like this.

I cocked my head to the side as I returned the small smile. "There will be no cake and there will be no wedding." I said watching him run his fingertips over the arms of the throne. He raised an eyebrow at me knowing I had no way of fighting him on this. "Chocolate." I grunted after a few seconds making him smile. 

"Brother, I know how you feel." I said as he shifted in his seat uncomfortably at the change of topic. "You feel like Father used you, I feel the same, he is using the both of us. If you could call off the wedding it would show him that he can't just use us and that we are our own people. Prince Stefan is a fine man, and another woman would be lucky to marry him but that woman is not me as I do not love him." I pleaded as he looked down at me with pity. He felt my pain, I could tell. 

He rubbed his hand on his chin in thought. "Theia, I am not your brother." That was all he could focus on. The feeling that he was not part of this family because of his blood.

"Loki, you are my brother, by blood or not, I do not care!" I exclaimed as his sad eyes left my own.

"We are done. You are to leave for Vanaheim soon. I have arranged a meeting for you and your fiancé, while I clean up your brother's mess on Jotunheim." He concluded as he gestured for me to leave.

"Good luck brother." I muttered as I turned to leave for Vanaheim.


I arrived on Vanaheim by Bifrost to the feeling of a light breeze flowing through my hair. Stefan was already waiting for me upon my arrival. He smirked as we walked around the nearest lake to the village. 

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