Chapter 59 ~ A Callback

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After around an hour of sneaking through the city of Berlin, as inconspicuously as possible, we arrived at the airport in a deserted area that Sharon had arranged to meet us, or maybe just Steve.

We parked right at the edge of the airport, a few metres from where what must have been Sharon's car, was parked.

In order for Steve to get out of the car, I needed to get up and let him out as the car only had two doors. So, I opened the door and pulled myself up, making very brief eye contact with Sharon, who was leant against her car, before I brushed my hair in front of my face and helped Steve out of the car. 

Once he was stood, he soothed his hands up my arms before pulling my shoulders towards his chest. I rested my head while listening to his heartbeat and out of the corner of my eye I spotted Sharon mentally rolling her eyes. 

"I'll take care of this." He whispered in my ear, planting a few gentle kisses on my head. I pulled my face from him, looking into his wonderful blue eyes and couldn't help but smile.

"Okay." I whisper back before Steve helped me back into my seat in the car.

I watched as Sharon smiled once Steve was alone and I gritted my teeth. Sam, Bucky and I watched as they met in between the cars. I started to bite at the skin around my nails with nerves. 

"Can you move your seat up?" Bucky asked Sam politely from the backseat.

"No." Sam deadpanned with a serious expression.

I looked between the pair of them, quickly realising that they don't like each other. I quietly chuckled, trying to distract myself from the blonde and swishy haired woman who was blatantly flirting with my man.

Bucky then moved into the middle of the backseat, making room for himself. I laughed to myself and realised that this was unlikely to be the last of their bickering. 

I glanced back over to the goo-goo-eyed Sharon and watched with indignation as she laughed hysterically at something Steve had said. 

"You gonna let her talk to him like that?" Sam muttered to me, clearly seeing the overstepping as well as I could. 

"Steve doesn't get it. He doesn't understand that two girls are fighting over him." Bucky admitted from the back. 

"There is no fight. I have already won." I practically snarl, succumbing to my own rage.

"Oh yeah? Why is she smiling like that?" Sam asked as I studied the girl's face. 

I needed to do something. Right now. Otherwise, she might come back and I don't want to ever see her again.

Sharon had calmed down a little now and was looking at Steve longingly again; a look that I hated. She then placed her hand on Steve's bicep, and I reached my boiling point. 

"Absolutely not." I growled, opening the door of the car, pulling myself out of the car and waddling angrily over to them.

"This should be good." Sam grunted with a chuckle as I left. 

I sauntered over, my feet pounding on the dark concrete whilst biting down on my cheeks. 

Steve was looking down awkwardly at her hand like he didn't know what to do but before he could remove it himself, I curled my hand around his arm nudging her lingering hold off. I grit my teeth as Sharon avoided my glare that was masked with a pleasant smile.

"Have we got everything we need?" I asked Steve with a loving and adoring smile as he glanced around, not knowing what to do with himself. I think he had finally noticed Sharon's desires.

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