Chapter 51 ~ B.A.R.F

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It's been a few months since Steve and I returned from Asgard. 

I'm basically in the last stretch of my pregnancy now and just waiting for the day where I have to force two tiny-human/Asgardian's out of me. 

Because of this, I haven't been allowed to participate in any missions, which I guess is fair, but it has been pretty boring and let's just say I have checked off a fair few of the movies on Sam's Disney list. I have also been meeting with a few wedding planners, but it doesn't seem like something we are going to get done until the babies are born.

It has also given me plenty of time to run things from behind the scenes. It helps me feel more involved in the action that I am craving, even though I am exhausted most of the time. I have mainly been tracking HYDRA's moves, specifically this guy called Rumlow, who is now going by 'Crossbones' or something. He fought against Sam and Steve a few years ago when they took down 'Project Insight', and he is now causing more problems. 

But, when I can't find anything on HYDRA, or have a spare moment, I spend it trying to get a location on Bucky. I have never actually met him, but I know how much he means to Steve and am desperate to help him bring his friend back. 

Unfortunately, there hasn't been leads in a while and the case has gone cold, leaving Steve, Sam and I pretty disappointed. 

I finally caught a good lead on Rumlow and got a location for his next heist in Lagos, Nigeria, and Steve, Sam, Wanda and Nat had just left to try and track him down. Tony was originally supposed to help but he ended up having to do a talk at MIT that couldn't be re-arranged.

I wasn't expecting to hear from them for a few hours at least so I was sat in the lounge watching 'Sleeping Beauty', for about the hundredth time after figuring out that she was my favourite Disney Princess. Then, my phone started to buzz from the table. 

I pulled myself and my huge baby bump up from the sofa and shuffled over to the phone so that I got there in time. "Hello?" I answered, wincing in pain a little from the kicking in my stomach from the sudden movement. 

"Hey, Blondie. How's it going?" Tony's voice spoke through the phone as I hobbled back over to the sofa. 

"Not too bad, it's a bit lonely here though with everyone on missions." I reply as I rub my stomach, trying to subside the kicking. 

"Well, if you want some company, feel free to tag along to the speech I'm giving at MIT. It will probably be pretty boring, but we can go get burgers after, if you want?" He offered and my eyes lit up. 

"It is very hard to say no to burgers, let's be honest." I chuckle, standing back up and walking towards Steve and I's room so that I can change into something more appropriate. 

"I'll send a car to pick you up. It will probably be there in ten minutes or so, is that okay?" He offered as I started picking out some clothes. 

"Yes, that will be fine. I'll see you soon." I say into the small device before hanging up and starting the chore that is getting dressed. It was a lot easier when I had help, but since Steve isn't here, I was going to have to figure it out myself. 

I decided on one of the dresses that I had taken back from Asgard that fitted to my stomach. It was pretty cold outside at the moment, so I picked one that was long sleeved and that went down to my ankles. It was a beautiful emerald green with lace covering the back and chest. 

As soon as I finished dressing, the car arrived, and I told the security team where I was going and when I would be back before hopping in the car to meet Tony. 

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