Chapter 72 ~ Return of the Hulk

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I couldn't help but mock her as I theatrically walked towards her, before pulling the sword from my back and bowing dramatically at the bottom of the steps that led up to the throne.

"How did you escape?" She sneered, trying to shake off her humiliation.

"I haven't escaped. I'm just a fragment of your imagination." I chuckled with a ghostly voice as I flipped the sword in my hand, flipping it as if it was a harmless toy rather than a deadly weapon.

"Very funny. What happened to Nathair?" She snapped while still shifting awkwardly, struggling to disguise her embarrassment.

"He's dead." I replied bluntly with a shrug and her embarrassment turned to anger with a few measurements of fear as her face tensed up and she tensed her jaw while biting the inside of her sallow cheeks. 

I glanced up at the balcony and spotted Maja sneaking past the curtains. Ria must have noticed my eye movements as she followed my eye line up to where Maja was stood but I quickly shifted her into darkness, so she wasn't seen.

Ria looked back to me suspiciously as I tried to act innocent. I had to keep her distracted. "You know, seeing you sat there has made me think. I bet you never even cared about Stefan. You just wanted his title and when he was killed, that was taken from you." I concluded as I watched her, stood where my father once stood, as well as Loki and now, annoyingly, Hela.

"Guess you aren't as brainless as I thought you were." She scoffed with a pride-filled smirk.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Maja give me a thumbs up, suggesting she was ready to join us. A grin overtook my cheeks. 

"I could say the same. But clever people watch their backs." 

"What?" Ria muttered, confused, before Maja conjured a ball of fire between her palms and thrust it into Ria's back, causing her to tumble down the stairs to the floor, not far from my feet.

Maja then jumped down from the balcony and ran out from behind the throne. Instead of being interested in attacking me, her closest opponent, she was more desperate to get revenge on her attacker. She jumped to her feet and charged at Maja, pulling a long sword from her armour, swinging it madly as Maja darted out of the blades path.

Maja threw smaller blasts at her but kept missing as she chased her around the room. I watched without taking action as I wanted to see how well she would do on her own while still being there for backup. 

Ria was hot on her tail and barely missing her, so I tossed Maja my sword which she caught flawlessly, before turning back and slashing their swords together. They neared the steps near the throne with Ria going backwards. She nearly tripped as her ankle hit the bottom step before she stepped up, with a height advantage over Maja.

"If I were you, I'd give up." Ria grunted maliciously as their swords kept clashing together.

"If you were me, I'd be ugly." Maja bit back as she swung her sword down and Ria caught it, hanging in their vicious eye contact for a moment. Ria was instantly more furious, if that was possible.

I laughed a little, completely impressed before breathing in the power of the Tesseract, gathering some power to speed this up. I started to form an orb of energy, holding it comfortably as if it were an old friend. Maja glanced over to me as I started to glow again and I nodded to her, causing her to jump back out of the way of Ria as I threw the orb right into her chest.

Her body flung backwards and crashed into a nearby pillar, her body leaving a dent in the stone. She didn't get up again instantly, so we assumed she was unconscious but before we even had a moment to relax, another larger army of skeleton troops burst through the doors, running manically towards us.

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