Chapter 92 ~ A Stolen Moment

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Later that day, we arrived back at the compound which felt a lot busier than it had before. Even if it was still half empty, it gave a heightened moral, even with Thor on the premises.

Thor instantly abandoned Rocket, Bruce and I and headed straight for the liquor and beers, surprising the others with his appearance.

I was heading to see how far they had gotten in making the new suit, designed specifically for time travel when I spotted Clint looking a little lost.

"Clint?" I called out to him, prompting his head to turn quickly and a wave of relief to wash over his face.

"Theia. I'm impressed they managed to drag you down. I heard you went a little rogue in space." He remarked as he approached me rather stiffly.

"I heard you went a little rogue on Earth." I replied nonchalantly even though I knew this would be a sensitive topic. He was probably one of the only people here that understood how I had felt but went down the wrong path.

"It appears we have a lot in common." He sighed.

"It appears we do." I agreed before stepping closer and pulling him into a tight hug that let him know how I felt the same loss and determination to get my family back.

We broke apart without saying another word as he followed me along to the lab where we see Scott dressed in the new suit, preparing for the test runs while Nebula adjusted the suit and Nat and Steve sat watching cautiously

"Time travel suit, not bad." Rhodey remarked as he followed us in, too.

"Well, Tony designed it. Couldn't be anything short of perfect." I chuckled dryly as I admired the collaboration of the Pym tech and Tony's own designs.

Bruce started trying to put the tiny tube of Pym Particles into the side of Scott's suit with little grace. "Hey, hey, hey! Easy! Easy!" Scott stopped him as he fumbled with the vial.

"I'm being very careful." Bruce defended as Scott started to take the vial off him and slot it into the suit.

"No, you're being very Hulky." Scott argued causing Clint and I to glance at each other in amusement.

"I'm being careful." Bruce insisted as he stepped back to let Scott do it himself, which was probably a good idea.

"These are Pym Particles, all right? And ever since Hank Pym got snapped out of existence, this is it. This is what we have. We're not making any more." Scott snapped, carefully waving the vial around, the pressure of this task beginning to take its toll.

"Scott, calm down." Rhodey urged him.

"Sorry. We've got enough for one round-trip each. That's it. No do-overs. Plus two test runs." Scott sighed as he pushed the particles into the slot, but he accidentally initiated the suit, shrinking down and jumping back up while yelling. His mask re-opened, revealing him embarrassment "One test run."

I couldn't help but scoff a little even though Scott had just made a rather huge mistake. It was a little funny.

"All right. I'm not ready for this." He huffed, removing the helmet, showing how sweat-ridden his hair is now from his nerves.

I didn't even take a moment to think about my decision before I raised my hand slowly. This could be my only chance to have a moment in the life I used to have.

If I didn't do this, but we were unsuccessful later, I wouldn't have had even a chance at seeing my kids. I wanted to be able to tell my children the effort that I went to in order to get them home. Even if this doesn't work, at least there is a chance I could see them now, even if just for a moment. I need to take that risk.

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