Chapter 25 ~ Treason

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I awoke the next day ready to go. I put my armour on and attached my batons onto my back. My armour was almost identical to Thor's except we had different runes explaining our victories in battle, my cape was royal blue whereas his was crimson.  I gently placed the phone and the trading card safely in my pocket as I didn't know if we were even going to make it back and didn't want to leave my two mementos of Steve behind, it was like he was with me. I took my room in one last time before I went down to the dungeons to meet Thor. 

We crept down the stone steps, just as I had done the day before. There was only one guard in the dungeons as there was only one surviving prisoner, Loki. Thor threw his hammer from the shadows, taking out the single guard without hassle. 

His hammer instantly gave him away. 

"Thor. After all this time and now you come to visit me." He taunted from his cell as Thor stepped out and revealed himself while I remained hidden from view. "Why? Have you come to gloat? To mock?" He sneered while I hid watching them. Loki had either cleaned up well or he was using another illusion because his cell looked immaculate. 

"Loki, enough. No more illusions." Thor ordered, clearly figuring out that Loki was hiding behind a facade. Loki's fake self then dissolved revealing the same Loki I had seen yesterday, led down in the same place as yesterday. 

"Now you see me, brother." Loki muttered while Thor wandered around the edge of the cell to stand closer to Loki. "Did she suffer?" Loki asked.

"We did not come here to share our grief." Thor grunted as he looked back to where I was hiding. 

'We? Don't tell me you brought the girl." He sighed dismissively as I stepped into the light. "Ah sister, nice to see you again so soon." He taunted as Thor raised his eyebrow at me. He didn't know that I had been visiting Loki but decided it wasn't the time to tell me off for it. 

"Loki, please listen to Thor." I urged him. He looked slightly betrayed by this before he turned his attention back to Thor. 

"We are here to offer you the chance of a far richer sacrament." Thor enticed Loki with the chance of revenge, something he knew Loki was a big fan of.

"Go on." Loki muttered, looking compliant.

"I know you seek vengeance as much as we do. You help us escape Asgard and I will grant it to you. Vengeance, and afterward, this cell." Thor offered while I looked over my shoulder to check if anyone had come down, but no one had. 

Loki began to chuckle. "You must be truly desperate to come to me for help."

"Or smart. You are the only person on Asgard who can help us. You know all the secret ways out of here, you can help us." I pleaded him as his broken expression looked up at me.

"What makes you think you can trust me?" He asked as he began to consider helping us. 

"I don't." Thor answered as his expression hardened.

"I do, and Mother did." I tried to pull at his heartstrings, it was a little manipulative, but Loki had done worse. 

"But you should know that when we fought each other in the past, I did so with a glimmer of hope that my brother was still in there somewhere. That hope no longer exists to protect you. You betray me, and I will kill you."


"No Theia." He shushed me. I swear all these little boys wanted to do was kill each other. 

Loki began to smile. "Hmm, when do we start?" He smirked.

"Right now, let's go." Thor directed as he gestured to the control panel on the wall. I released the cell walls and Loki bounced up ready to go. He brushed his fingers through his dark hair, and he transformed into his normal self. Of course, it was a facade, but I think it made him feel more confident and we needed as much of that as we could get.

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