Chapter 10 ~ Fallen Brother

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I lay there, motionless, for what seemed like an eternity. I had no idea who was safe or if Loki had succeeded. It was as if I was in the Odinsleep, I was unable to move, but had complete awareness of my surroundings. I felt completely helpless. I felt the light draining from my body and the world became darker and darker.

In the darkness, I heard a pair of footsteps pounding on the surrounding marble floor. Had Loki come back to finish me off? Or was someone here to help me?

The light flashed in and out of my eyes before hands were laid on my shoulders. The light exploded and my eyes sprung open. It was my father.


"Theia, my child, we must go." He commanded as he pulled me up to my feet. My body regained some strength at the relief of my Father waking up. If anyone could stop Loki it was him.

I didn't say anything as we half ran down the rainbow bridge, even though our last encounter was an argument and I was definitely still angry about the whole arranged marriage situation, but that had to wait we had a much more important matter to deal with.

We watched in horror as Thor smashed his hammer into the Bifrost destroying it. That must have been a huge sacrifice for him as I'm guessing he promised Jane he would return to Midgard, and this was a sure way of preventing that. The golden building fell off the edge of Asgard into infinite space, crumbling the bridge along with it.

Loki and Thor fell through the air, plummeting into space, before Thor grabbed onto Father's spear, which Loki was holding and Father caught Thor's ankle, saving them both, before they fell to their deaths.

I froze. I couldn't move as I watched two of the most important people in my life hang of the edge of the, now destroyed, Bifrost. My heart was pounding in my throat, my mouth was as dry as the desert on Midgard and my chest was tightening, making me choke on my breath. I kept losing them, over and over again. When was it going to stop?

First, I lost Thor when he was banished to Midgard, then I lost Loki to his ambition, then Thor nearly died and now they are both hanging by Thor's ankle. Thank the heavens Father managed to catch Thor in time, maybe I had had enough loss for a while.

The wind was howling in my ears as it flung my brothers around like leaves in a storm. Loki looked up at us with utter desperation in his face.

"I could have done it, Father! I could have done it! For you! For all of us!" Loki called from the end of Father's spear; his eyes were brimming with silvery tears.

"No, Loki." Father murmured, looking down in disappointment.

The tears in Loki's eyes were streaming down his temple. He had given up, I could see it. His hand slid further down the spear, but he didn't care. The one person Loki was desperate for approval from just rejected him, leaving him hopeless.

"Loki, no." Thor whispered to him before he let go, releasing himself to the depths of space. He fell so quickly I blinked away the tears and he was gone. I knew Thor was yelling after him, but all my senses faltered. I fell to my knees slamming them on the rainbow bridge, but I felt no pain, other than the pain in my heart.

I screamed in agony as my head split with the pain, rays of light tearing from my heart as I cried. It exploded out of my body as my mind plunged into darkness. My whole body went numb. All I could feel... was darkness. Loki may have just hurt me, attacked me, but he was still my brother, my family and now... he was gone. Noiseless sobs came from my mouth as I dissolved into the floor.


The days passed without Loki, and the hole he left in my heart remained empty.

The first day was the hardest. I woke in a healing room with mother at my side. She had her head resting on her shoulder, sat in a chair next to me asleep. I gently woke her, and she kissed my forehead lovingly.

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