Chapter 49 ~ Suspicion

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"Everything is going to be fine. Totally fine." I mutter half to myself and half to Steve as we stand outside the Avengers compound together, about to go to Asgard.

The main reason we needed to go was because I was pregnant with twins and needed the Asgardian healers to check everything is okay because nothing even showed up on the Earth doctors scans. We also needed to inform my father of our engagement and pregnancy which was going to be interesting, to say the least.

Part of me is excited to see my friends and family, but the other is dreading returning to my old home without either of my brothers and my mother not being there to welcome me home.

I am praying that my father won't freak out, and kill Steve or something overly dramatic, especially considering how he gave his blessing last time I saw him.

"You promise that your father isn't going to freak out and kill me?" Steve muttered, sounding more nervous than me.

"I can't promise he won't freak out but I will not let him kill you." I smile unconvincingly as I wrap my hand around his own as we step further onto the grass, preparing for the Bifrost to take us away. "Are you ready?"

"Does it hurt?" He asked me as he stopped walking.

"The Bifrost? No, it's a great feeling actually. You will love it. That, I can promise." I grin at him before pulling him into the middle of the grass and wrapping my arms around the side of his stomach, holding on tight. "Heimdall? When you're ready." I call out to the sky.

A few days ago, an Asgardian soldier showed up in the kitchen and informed Steve and I that our presence was requested on Asgard and then left before either of us could argue. After a few discussions we decided it was probably best to go along with it.

I had dressed in one of my mother's old dresses, in hope that Father would see it and be a lot more sympathetic. It was one that hid my growing bump pretty well as I wanted to tell him before he could see, if you understand what I mean. Steve was dressed in a pale blue shirt and beige trousers telling me he wanted to give off a good impression but I knew that as soon as we arrived he would be told to dress in something else in order to fit in.

I squeezed Steve a little tighter before the ground beneath us disappeared and the rainbow lights of the Bifrost tunnelled us into space. I looked up at his face which was intoxicated with awe and bewilderment making me chuckle a little, considering how this experience was far from new to me.

His head was rapidly spinning around as he watched the jets of lights send us far into space. I'm sure that he will take great pride in the fact that, other than Jane, he will be one of the only people from Earth to visit Asgard, ever.

After a few moments longer, we stepped into the golden dome of the Bifrost site and I looked up in confusion to the gatekeeper who was not Heimdall.

"Um, who the Hel are you?" I asked the unfamiliar bald man, who was wearing some of the most obnoxious Asgardian armour I have ever seen. His tattoos suggested that he was a warrior of Asgard, which Thor and I formerly fought alongside. I didn't really care who he was. I was just confused as to where Heimdall was.

"I'm Skurge. Don't you remember me princess? We fought together on Vanaheim?" The man named Skurge informed me while Steve was glancing around the room in awe.

"Okay, Skurge. Why are you here?" I asked him, letting go of Steve's hand and crossed my arms over my chest, resting them on my bump. I raised my eyebrow in question and tried to stare him down and intimidate him.

"Odin hired me as gatekeeper a few months ago." He bluntly answered, stepping down from the podium and meeting Steve and I.

Steve had now taken in his environment and was showing a similar level of concern as I was and was helping me stare down this 'Skurge'.

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