Chapter 43 ~ Sokovia Part 1

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We arrived in Sokovia in the early morning, just before dawn. Our main priority was to clear the city of people so that whatever Ultron was planning, they wouldn't be collateral damage. 

We split off to maximise the range. Pietro was zipping around clearing people out of buildings and 'communicating' with the authorities. Wanda was using her mind control powers to hypnotise people into leaving the city. Bruce had gone to rescue Nat with my brother, who was trying to find out what Ultron's plan is. Tony had gone to meet Ultron, while Steve, Clint and I ushered people out of the city. 

The people of Sokovia were frantically scrambling down the streets, away from their homes. The sound of car horns beeping filled the air as everyone tried to escape. 

The sun had started to seep light over the buildings when all of a sudden, Ultron robots started clawing their way out of the ground, out the sewers, from the river and started flying overhead, sending blasts at civilians.

A small pack of robots were targeting a small family and I ran over, using my powers and frying their systems, leaving them to fall to the floor. The chunks of metal clanged on the floor as I helped the family to safety. 

I brought them, along with more people I had encountered to the bridge that led out of the city and herded them to safety, like they were cattle. I saw Steve fighting against a few robots, but he seemed to have it handled to I ran back to the centre to see if I could help any other people.

I started to take down as many robots as I could, but they kept running at me and I was becoming a little overwhelmed. Suddenly, a blue blur disintegrated the robots that were attacking me, sending the parts flying all over the place. I turned around and saw Pietro smirking at me. "Looked like you needed some help." He chuckled before running off again.

"Thank you!" I called out, a little weakly, knowing he probably didn't hear me. 

Something was about to happen. I didn't know what, but I knew that it was going to be really really bad. Just as the feeling of utter dread filled my body, cracks started to appear around my feet and the ground began to rumble. 

Half of the earth started to tear away from the other, shooting upwards. I watched as the lower part of the city stayed down and the edge of rock that I was stood on, started to fly up into the sky, leaving the ground behind us. What the hell was going on? 

Ultron's chilling, robotic voice then echoed around the city, speaking through his army of robots.  "Do you see the beauty of it? The inevitability. You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers, you are my meteor. My swift and terrible sword. And the earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me, it means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal." He finished as the city began to fly higher into the air. 

We were so screwed. 

I spotted Steve looking over the edge of the bridge I had seen him on earlier and ran over to him. "What the hell are we supposed to do now." I sigh to him as he gripped his hand around my arm. 

He didn't need to answer my question. We both shared the same premonition; that we were doomed. We shared a weak smile before Steve was tackled by a flying robot and crashed into a nearby car. I cringed at the pain that must have caused him before running and jumping over the car, landing on the robot that hit him and tearing its cords out.

"Cap, you got incoming." I heard Tony inform through our earpieces, a little too late.

"Incoming already came in." Steve grunted as I pulled him up from the hood of the car. "Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job, tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt them back. You get killed, walk it off." He instructed to the rest of the team.

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