Chapter 28 ~ The Deepest Cut

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I froze. I didn't know what to say. Did I have the right number? I pulled the phone away from my cheek to check the number and it definitely said: 'Just Steve'. I realised I needed to answer at some point.

"Um, hi. Is this Steve Rogers?" I ask dumbly, hoping that his voice just sounded different on the phone.

"No, it isn't, but it is his phone." The woman answered. Damn. Why did a woman have his phone?

"Is he there? Can I speak to him?" I ask, trying to hold on to the last fraction of hope I could find.

"I don't know where he is at the moment, but he left his phone in laundry. Can I take a message?" The woman sounded friendly. I bet she was pretty. But her friendly tone just made this even harder. I was right, Steve had found someone else. His phone had been left with this woman in the 'laundry'. They must be living together, and if they were living together they must be in love. Only people who were in love lived together on Asgard.

I felt so stupid. I let myself fall for someone who has betrayed me. I thought that after all I've lost, I would still be able to come back to him. Apparently not. I felt the tears start to sting in my eyes, but I try to blink them away. I wasn't going to cry over a man, a boy.

"Um, no, it's okay. Thank you." I politely add before ending the call. I threw the phone down on the carpet, wishing it would break, but it didn't.

I sighed deeply as I started to rub my wet eyes. My lip began to tremble. I couldn't even tell what I was starting to cry about. I mean, there were plenty of options, which one should I chose.

But I could wallow in self pity another time. Save the world first, feelings after. I got up, forcing my angry heart to focus on revenge. Before I could make my way to the door, someone knocked on the door.

"Hey, can I come in?" It was Jane. Thor probably sent her in to check on me or something.

"Uh, yeah sure." I mutter as she twisted the door handle, letting herself into her own room. She sat down on the side of her bed and tapped a spot next to her, gesturing for me to sit down beside her.

I plopped myself down, my shoulders sinking forward into my knees as they showed the heaviness of my emotions. "How you feeling?" She asked chirpily.

I didn't look at her yet, I just stared at my hands. "I'm okay." I lied, but she knew that. Anyone would have known that was a lie, it didn't take a scientist.

"That's a lie." She chuckled as I looked up to her, she gave me an endearing smile. "It's okay, you can talk to me if you want, or if you need a hug, I can do that too. I don't want you going into this feeling terrible. Come on, let the feelings out." She urged me.

She was wise, just as Heimdall had said. She reminded me of my mother, which is weird considering she's dating my brother.

"It's just... a lot, you know?" I muttered as I think about all the heartbreak I have gone through in the last couple of days.

"Yeah, I understand. I had to watch the two of you lose half your family. They both died for the safety of their kingdom, we can't let it be in vain."

I felt a wave of guilt. I was angrier about Steve betraying me than I was about my family's murders. I felt like such a bad person. Who does that?

"Or is it not that?" Jane must have sensed my guilt.

I took a deep breath before answering her. "There is... was this boy and I thought he liked me..." I sighed as I looked back down at my hands, embarrassed to be this hung up on someone.

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