Chapter 9 ~ Worthy

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Loki wouldn't actually explicitly kill Thor, he just wouldn't. No matter what he may say about biology, we are siblings. It's a fact. We grew up together, played together, fought together. And no matter what Loki said, he loves Thor, he wouldn't kill him.

The Destroyers fire extinguished and it's 'face' closed back up, causing me to release the breath I didn't realise I was holding. The relief kept flooding through my body like a wave. Thank Odin that Thor didn't have to sacrifice himself for the sake of everyone here, and for Loki not killing his brother!

The Destroyer turned to walk away before suddenly turning back and slapping Thor with such force he flies halfway down the street, slashing his chest and face with the spikes of its armour. Jane burst out from Erik's arms towards Thor to help him, I tried to go too but Sif held me tight in her clutch.

I watched through teary eyes and sobs as Jane crouched over my dying brother. Loki... he actually did it. I genuinely couldn't believe my eyes. My blood began to boil as I watched someone else comfort my brother in his last moments and that my other brother had caused that.

Everyone watched the scene with deep sorrow. I buried my head in Sif's neck, so I didn't have to watch, it was too painful.

Then, between sobs, I heard a familiar 'whoosh' making me break my head from Sif, her clothing now very damp from my tears. I looked up into the sky and saw something flying up into the air with a trail of smoke behind it. Mjolnir!

Erik charged towards Jane pulling her away from Thor as Mjolnir soared towards its rightful owner.

Thor raised his hand high in the air wrapping his bloody fingers around the handle of his precious hammer. Lightning struck him from the heavens, as his armour that was previously stripped from him, absorbed to his body like a magnet.

My heart leaped at the sight of his transformation; he was worthy again. I looked round at my friends and shared their delight.

"Oh. My. God." I heard Jane mutter as she stared in shock.

The Destroyer had turned around and had already re-opened his face, glowing, ready to strike, but just before it could hit Thor, his hammer smashed into its face, knocking it over. Mjolnir flew back to Thor's fist as he stood, immaculate.

A tornado-like whirlwind appeared overhead, Thor flew up, pulled by his hammer, into the eye of the storm. The Destroyer sent a blast of fire up at him, missing, before it was pulled up as well. After a few moments, a huge explosion of light spread above the small village and the lifeless body of the Destroyer fell from the sky, leaving a dent in the road.

The storm died down and Thor strutted towards us, his normal, mighty self.

"So, is this how you normally look?" Jane asked, awestruck.

"More or less." He replied modestly.

"It's a good look." She admired his new heroic appearance, making me laugh at her unfamiliarity with our typical attire.

"We must go to the Bifrost site. I would have words with my brother." Thor commanded.

Wow, words. Not a fist fight. Had this actually made him nearly mature? "I think I will join you with those 'words'." I added, rolling my eyes at his lack of inclusivity.

"Excuse me!" A man in a suit walked quickly over to us after stepping out of a black vehicle. "Donald?" Was he talking to Thor, who was Donald? "I don't think you've been completely honest with me." He stated, slightly irritated, clearly talking to Thor.

"Know this, Son of Coul. You and I, we fight for the same cause, the protection of this world. From this day forward, you can count us as your ally, if you return the items you have taken from Jane." Thor spoke with a new type of confidence I haven't seen from him before, it was certainly less arrogant.

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