Another One.

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Once these fresh wounds heal,
I shall find another one -
One who treats me better than the last.
I needn't rush,
For it will come.
All good things take time,
And I have so many years yet to live,
So many things yet to learn,
So many wonders yet to gaze upon,
And perhaps even so many people
That I am yet to love.
Sadness will not outlive me, and
Loneliness will soon be on its way.
Better things are yet to come,
And as they pass,
I shall live on to find another one,
Or two, or three, or more -
All of the goodness is the world
Will outlive me,
And for that I am so grateful,
As there will always be something wonderful
That I haven't yet discovered;
There will always be a love ready to blossom,
Even though my heart may bleed.

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