An Eerie Silence

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You're still sitting here. Rotting. Cursing. This cold just doesn't seem to go. How long have you been here? Weeks? Months? Years? Just the thought of wasting away precious time nags you. 

This impressively damaged house reeks of sweat, urine and blood. They are still there, sitting in the corner., the three survivors who don't seem to want anything to do with you. I mean you shouldn't really blame them. You infiltrated their house. You barged in without warning. Is that the reason they were afraid of you? 


Something big seems to have fallen on the roof of this filth of a house. You quickly get up in case the thing, whatever it is, falls through and onto you. That's when you heard it. A loud growl. It was a very peculiar sound. The creature growled as if to warn us of its presence. You hear the footsteps approaching slowly as you realise, surely enough, that this is one of the big ones. You quickly glance towards the three familiar strangers in the house who all had their palms shutting their mouth so as to make no sound. Your hand automatically went to your mouth as well, shutting it tightly and you start to breathe solely through your nose.

But how did it find us? 

Slowly and carefully, making sure the pin drop silence of the house still remained, you moved from your position. You looked toward them and the older man was staring at you wide eyed, analyzing your every move. The two other girls start to stand up and the moonlight that peeked through the broken roof now luminated their faces. You furrowed as you realised that they couldn't have been any younger than you are. The man always hid them from your sight and now you got to see them crystal clear. But the question still remains. How did the creature find the house? And why is it taking an interest in it now? The other man-monster things always rode past the house without giving it a second glance. 

You see the shadow of the creature just before the door frame. Its keen eyes scanned the area. You quickly duck underneath a wooden table. Your eyes fall on the other three and they seemed to hide together underneath the fireplace. It was cold and damp but your attention remained on the beast. It seemed to walk in one direction. It walked straight ahead, just past the fireplace and your heart stopped. You can't seem to spot the three so you assume that they're well hidden. The beast walks towards the window and kneels down. Your breath shortens as you realise that if it were to turn its head ever so slightly, its eyes would fall directly on you. But it seemed to be preoccupied. It reaches into the dark and picks up something that seems to be small and singular. As it starts to stand again, you peek at what it's holding. It was a tin. A tin of sardines. It seems to already be open and a strange green liquid started to drop from the sides. You understand that the sardines started to rot in the tin as it wasn't consumed and the gas build up burst open the tin. You still couldn't smell the odour because the cold completely blocked your senses. The odour must have attracted the beast to the house. This moment was most opportune for you to shift from your position and make a run for it. As you start to move, and quite stealthily at that, the others seem to notice you and start to mimic your movements. Right then, the younger girl amongst the two placed her foot on a loose piece of wood and it creaked. All of us remained still and the beast whipped its head around to the source of the sound and the three started to scream. Stunned, you stood your ground. The beast lunged at them and ripped the girls head right off her shoulders. The other girl began to scream and the man grabbed a piece of log. You could see his grip starting to loosen due to his frail physique but his body remained a shield protecting the other girl who started to murmur a prayer. Your eyes filled with tears as you had never ever witnessed an event so grotesque. 

"Mother Miranda" the girl said, raising her voice. Right then the beast clawed the mans face which caused his head to detach from his now lifeless body. The girl screamed. The beast growled in response and grabbed her throat lifting her up in the air. Just then, a figure seemed to appear out of nowhere. You quickly crawled to another position. You were now just a meter from the door. Another swift move and you will exit the house. But you waited for the right moment to make a run for it. You watched the figure attentively who seemed to be cloaked. Black raven like wings covered their back which now seemed to stand as if indicating a sense of dominance. The figure now moved toward the girl who was still hovering. With one swift wave of their hand, the beast drooped the girl onto the floor. 

"Mother Miranda! Please-"

The girls words were stuck in her throat as the winged figure reached into the girls chest and pulled out her heart. You could feel a wave of puke reaching your throat. This is too much gore for anyone. You realised that it would be suicide to leave the house now so you remained there, hidden and frozen. It was not the cold this time that halted your movements. The figure licked the still beating heart. They smacked their lips and groaned in disgust. They threw the heart backwards but their gaze still remained on the girls corpse. The beast chased after the heart. Its footsteps started to recede and the house was finally consumed in the familiar silence again. The figure raised their foot and placed in on the girls cheek. 

"So much for devotion. Tsk tsk tsk. What a wonderful candidate you would've been had it not been for your malnutrition rid body. What a waste of young flesh. "

They sounded like a woman. They turned around and quickly disappeared just the way they appeared. What remained were a few black feathers in their place. 

You sat there for a while, slowly starting to fathom what just happened. You rose from your position carefully. You walked towards the door and peeked outside to make sure the coast was clear. You spotted a long stick which was lying on the floor and picked it up. Without turning back to look at the dead bodies, you ran as fast as your legs could take you.


That's the first chapter done, guys. Tell me what you think. Don't you worry, my darlings. Lots of smut coming soon. I am more than open to suggestions so feel free to spill it down there (Oh, get your mind out of the gutters!). Based on the reviews, I'll decide how often to post. Until then, Toodles!

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now