Your Time Will Come After You Die

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"Mia!" Jill adjusts her grip on her gun "Step aside!" standing by Daniela.

"Dani..." you speak in a breathy manner. You don't look at Daniela but you notice her head pivot to you ever so slightly. You gulp and part your lips "Dani, do something." you speak in the same breathy manner. Your eyes stay put. They stay put on the Mia woman. You glace at Daniela but she doesn't move.

"Daniela..." you speak up and glace at her again, but she refuses to move.

"DANIELA!" you scream.

"Hush, now." Mia turns her head around slowly and looks at you with narrowed eyes. She cocks her head behind her and slowly reveals what she has been hiding in front of her- a decently decadent dagger.

Daniela takes a sharp breath and you notice Jill uncomfortably shift her weight from one foot to the other, and back.


"Shush shush shush shush..." she hangs the dagger over Codie's head. His eyes follow her movements.

"Mia, please don't do this..." your eyes well up with tears as you try to beg.

"Pretty child." she continues to look at you as she slowly squats next to Codie. She slowly looks at him as he continues to munch on his muffin "Handsome child." she whispers. She uses her other hand to grab Codie by his hair-

"Mia, don't DO THIS ARE YOU MAD?!" Jill shouts. You feel your hands and legs go numb. Mia pouts and frowns as she adjusts her grip on his hair. She lowers the dagger but holds on to it. You slowly shut your eyes. You think of your Alcina, and her beautiful body. You think of how she touches you, you think of the way she kisses your neck, you think of the way he slides her hand down from your neck to your chest as she gently pulls on your neck with her lips. You remember Codie's little smile and the way his face glows when he sees you awake in the morning. You remember the way Daniela played the piano for her mother. You remember the way Alcina would always sneak little glances at you while her daughter plays. You remember her little glances during meals. And you remember the nights. The way she would lay you down and make sweet love to you. You remember her touch, her smell, her eyes-

"Mia." the voice was of a man's, low and filled with a sense of intense manliness. You could almost smell the scent of a wet dog in that voice. You slowly open your eyes to see Mia breathing heavily and looking right behind you, her hand very lightly gripping Codie's hair. You take a deep breath and shift your eyes to your right to try and catch a glimpse of the rugged intruder.

"Mia, honey." he speaks again, this time his voice softer. You hear him near you. You feel the air shift as you almost sense him brushing past your shoulder. As he passes you, you analyse him. 

"Chris. The child." Mia breathes heavily.

"Drop the dagger, honey." he continues to walk to the living room door frame very slowly and very cautiously. 

True to his voice, his form was big and muscular. You remember him and Mia from Donna's brilliant vision. His body was carefully cloaked in thick material that clung onto him. 

"Chris-" Jill tries to talk but he walks past her and into the living room. He slowly reaches Mia. You could make out how her breathing had changed and become more dense the closer he reached her. She was almost panting as she looks up at him from her crouching position as if being both intimidated and intensely attracted by him.

"Mia." he talks again "Drop the dagger." 

Without a second's hesitation, she lets go of the dagger and places that hand on her bulging abdomen. Chris slowly ducks down and places his hand over that palm of hers, immediately causing her to let go of Codie. He drapes his other hand over her shoulder and stands her up. Codie was still munching on his muffin as he watches the entire charade. Chris turns Mia around and faces you. He looks at you and quickly drives a needle into her neck. She closes her eyes and lets herself fall into his arms.

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