History Lesson- Part One

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"Come here." Miranda pulls you close and gives you three kisses. You sigh and kiss her back.

"I really need a bath." you whisper against her lips. She looks at your lips and smiles.

"Let's take one together." she grins. You manage a faint smile as you see her walking to the mysterious door in her bedroom.

"Come in, then." she holds the door open for you. You look down and sigh as you walk to her. The bathroom was as luxurious as yours. It had a small bathtub, a little toilet and a sink. There was a rack of towels in one corner by the tub and behind the tub was a little shelf with tons of candles standing on it. Miranda walks ahead of you and turns on the tap. You start to undress as she walks over to the little shelf and lights the candles. You look around as you remove your brassiere and panties. You look at the tub and catch Miranda giving you a glance. She bites her lip and undresses. She lets her dress slide off her shoulders and fall on the ground. She wasn't wearing anything underneath it. She places her palms over each other and smiles.

"Get in while it's still hot, dear." she looks at the tub. You sigh and walk over to the tub, dipping your legs in. You sit down and hold your knees.

"I have some bath oils." she says, walking to the towel rack "Do you have a preference?" she bends down to a small slab that had several bottles.

"Rose." you say. She gives you a look of warning and picks up a bottle "As you wish." she says, coldly. She walks over to you and generously pours the liquid in the bath water. You close your eyes and take in the smell.


"Is that enough?" Miranda's words makes your eyes flutter.

"Yes." you say, still taking in the smell with your eyes closed. You take a deep breath and exhale. You hear Miranda get into the tub and sit opposite you. The tub was big enough for the both of you if you both had your knees to your bodies. As the silence starts to deafen your ears, you open your eyes to see what Miranda was doing. She was also holding her knees with her head cocked to one side, smiling at you.

"You're so beautiful." she whispers as she shakes her head. You look down and swallow.

"Thank you." you whisper.

"Hmm." she nods. You look at her but the awkward feeling starts to settle in. You start looking around to ease it.

"Is it warm enough?" Miranda finally speaks. You look at her and manage a smile.

"Yes, it's alright." you say. She smiles and nods. You start to inspect your fingernails.

"The loofah, dear." Miranda's words makes you look up at her.

"Sorry?" you raise your eyebrows. She raises hers and nudges her head forward in your direction as her eyes travel and settle at something behind you.

"Behind you, sweetie." she chuckles at your foolishness.

"Oh, right. Yes." you shake your head and turn to pick up the loofah from the little stool behind the tub. You reach for it but furrow your eyebrows when your eyes catch some photos by the loofah. You pick up the loofah and the photos and turn around to face Miranda.

"What are these?" you hand her the loofah but hold on to the photos. She starts to scrub herself but when she sees you holding the photos, she grins.

"Ahh those..." she places the loofah on the tub and leans in "That's me and Eva."


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The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now