Tea Party

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Miranda seemed to know her way around the castle like the back of her hand. She didn't utter a single word or make any unusual movements the entire way, except for the occasional head turn to look at you. You both walk in absolute silence. At this point, confusion takes over you. You have no idea why a woman so revered and feared, would take an interest in you. Your position in the castle is that of a subordinate one and yet, she seems so drawn to you. 

Her arm still holds your elbow while her other arm clutches her mask. She doesn't stroke your elbow with her thumb or caress it in any way. She is just gently gripping it. You start to frown. You have no idea what is happening or where to she's leading you. As your mind wanders, you remember the line she muttered in that old, run down house, as she ripped that girl's heart out.

"The crow is the smartest of birds." she doesn't look at you but her words are directed at you "Their intelligence is unmatched." she turns to you, as she walks, and smiles at you. You just raise your eyebrows.

'What the fuck is she on about?'

"The mask. I choose to be represented in the form of a crow. They're quite commendable, really." she looks back in front, still smiling.

You both finally reach a hallway and it dawns on you: This is the entrance of the castle. No maiden lingered around. The place looks deserted. You let out a sigh. 

"I would love your company till the meeting hall, if you would be so kind." she turned to you and smiled.

"Yes, sure." you manage to reply.

Her smile widens and her eyes twinkle with joy. You were afraid that the other maidens would see how Miranda held you. You want nothing more than to be a nobody and leave this place at the latest. 

As you reach the doors that lead to the meeting hall, Miranda halts and turns to you. She places her mask around her neck, freeing her arms. Her palms cup your face so that you would have no other choice but to look at only her. She searches your eyes with her gorgeous icy blue ones and grins.

"What a beauty..." her voice was a whisper. She almost closes the distance between you two, when the doors swing open. The large figure of lady Dimitrescu blocks all the natural light coming from the windows of the meeting hall. Your eyes lock with the lady's. She seems pissed. Her eyes move to Miranda's palms, which were still cupping your face. The lady's face starts to redden.

Your eyes returned to Miranda's face to find that she was still looking at you, longingly. Your lips part a little. She seems to completely ignore the lady's presence. 

"Mother Miranda." the lady cleared her throat.

Miranda's soft look disappears and is now overshadowed by a cold one. Her palms leave your face. Still looking at you, she says "Alcina."

She gives you one last smile before entering the meeting hall. The Lady's eyes were filled with anger. She turned around immediately and shut the doors behind her, without a word. You turn back and walk down from that floor. 

As you reach the ground floor, two hands grip your shoulders and turn you around, swiftly.

"Y/N!" Diana exclaimed and pulls you into a big hug. You pull way from the hug and frown at her.

"Diana, where the hell did you run off to?!" your voice was stern.

"Well, I could ask you the same! You just disappeared! I was so afraid because if you got lost in that part of the castle, it would be a nightmare to find you! I'm so glad you found your way." she spoke back. She seemed very concerned. You shut your eyes and let out a breath to calm yourself "Let it be, now. I must go and change into my uniform. Would you like to accompany me?" you ask her. She just nods and the two of you speedily walk to your room.

You put on your uniform and tie your hair into a neat bun. You and Diana leave your room and run to the kitchen. Several maidens were scurrying about, plates and cups in hand. Margaretta was standing in one corner and scolding a young maiden. 

"There you are!" Emilia exclaimed as she ran towards you. Diana left your side and went over to help the maidens "You must be really eager to help, huh?" Emilia continued "Personally, I would use my day off to relax in my room." she dragged you to one of the counters and handed you a tray with a teapot, a small jar of milk and a container which, you presume, contains sugar.

"Help me take this to the meeting hall, will you? The other maidens are preoccupied." she turns around and picks up another tray with cups, saucers and several spoons.

She walks in front of you, acting as a guide. You both leave the kitchen quickly. As you ascend the spiral staircase, Emilia speaks again, still looking ahead of her "Mother Miranda is here." she said "And so are the other three lords." she continued.

"Why are they here?" you ask her. You thought it would be best to not mention the little encounter with Miranda.

"I haven't the faintest idea. Andrea just came into the kitchen, announced to us and left." she replied. She was slightly panting. You assume that she's been slaving the entire morning.

You both reach the doors and before she opened them, she turned around to you and whispered "Don't act smart in there, Y/N. Do not look at the lords or even speak to them, unless they direct a question at you." she advised and opened the doors with her back. 

You both enter the large room. It looked very similar to the dining hall but you had no time to judge the surroundings. You follow Emilia and place the tray next to where she placed hers, on the table. The four lords are the same four beings you saw two days ago, before being dragged to one of the castle doors by lady Dimitrescu.

Emilia starts to place cups over saucers and gestured to you to pour the tea in them. You could feel all of their eyes on you, which made your hands tremble. With great caution, you pick up the teapot but your hands were trembling, severely. You hear the lady start to get up. But before she could, however, Miranda interrupts her by moving her chair. She stands up and walks over to you, making Emilia back up a little. She walked to you with a giant smile on her face. She seemed to have covered her face with her mask again. She touched your arms and took the teapot from your hands.

"Let me help, dear Y/N." she spoke in a very sweet tone. Her words were almost a tune. She gracefully poured the steeping hot tea into five cups, which were arranged by Emilia, and placed the teapot back on the tray. She gave you one last smile and walked back to her seat. Her eyes were still on you as she sat down.

Emilia rushed to your side and picked up two cups and placed them in front of the veiled figure and the being with the top hat, respectively. You followed suit and picked up two cups. You took one over to lady Dimitrescu. You couldn't help but look at her as you place a cup in front of her. Her bright yellow eyes seemed glad to see you. You quickly tear your gaze away from her alluring face and place the other tea cup in front of Miranda. She touched the back of your hand, making you look at her. She smiled softly and you smiled back, in turn.

Emilia had already placed the last cup in front of the humanoid creature, who seemed to not have a chair to sit on. Emilia pushed the tray containing the milk and sugar towards the middle of the table. You understood that the lords and Miranda would help themselves to the milk and sugar. 

Emilia gestured for you to follow her out of the room, with her eyes, but you just couldn't help it. You run over to one corner of the room, pick up a chair and place it next to the humanoid creature, making them widen their eyes in shock. The top hat man let out a deep chuckle "How quaint." he remarked, lowering his voice. You just couldn't look at the creature just stand there while the others sat, comfortably. 

You rush over to Emilia, who was already at the door. She was staring, wide eyed, at you as if she was shocked at what you did. As you began to leave and close the doors behind you, you look at the lady. Her eyes were still on you and she was smiling the tiniest bit. You smile back and close the doors.

Emilia yanked your shoulders "What the fuck was that?!"

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now