I Can Count To Three

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"Alcina, wait!" you shout after her but she was long gone. You hear distant sounds of things falling on the ground and smashing to pieces. You get up and run to the wardrobe to dress yourself. You pick one dress from the five Donna gifted you and slip it on. You make haste to catch up with Alcina.

'Their little recital seemed rehearsed.'

You run into the corridors and try to follow the sounds of items breaking and Alcina's growling. When you think you've almost caught up, the sounds grow even more distant. You let out a frustrated huff and change directions. You run down a flight of stairs and reach the floor where the maidens chambers was located. 

'They might be there...'

You run in the direction of said chambers-

"Why are you in such a rush, flower?" Bela's voice booms from nowhere. You look around and finally notice her materialize near a wall. She leaned against the wall, smirking widely at you.

"Do you know what your problem is? You get too involved in everything." her expression goes cold "And I don't like that." she fiddles with something in her hand "Not.One.Bit." she grinds her teeth "And I don't like you barging into the castle and pretending like you're family." she talked through her teeth.

"What's your problem, Bela?"

"My problem? Well..." she smirks at you and reveals what she's been fiddling with.

"Bela, that is not yours. Give it back."

She was holding your broach. She raises an eyebrow and grins.

"You want it, flower? Here, take it." she stretches her arm to you, halfway. You walk closer to grab it but she pulls her arm back.

"Go on, flower. Take it." she beckons you again. You walk a little more closer to her outstretched arm but she retracts again.

"You're going to have to earn it back. You know what mother will do to you if you lose it, don't you?" she smirks with raised eyebrows.

"Bela, stop playing..."

She chuckles and transforms into flies and flies away. 

"BELA!" you shout and run after her.

'I'm done with this girl. The second I get a hold of her, she's dead meat!'

You chase after a giggling Bela. She takes sharp turns in hopes of tiring you out. You pant a little but your feet continue to run at the same pace.

"Bela, enough!" you reach your hand out to grab a few flies but they slip through your fingers. You growl and run even faster.

"How pathetic..." her voice echoed through the hallways. She leads you to the entrance of the back door and down a flight of stairs.

"Bela, stop it now!" you scream as the place becomes dimmer and dimmer. You run down the stairs and realise that you are in a narrow tunnel.

"Bela?" you call out.

"Oooooh! This broach looks so much better on me!" her voice came from a distance.

"You bitch! That belongs to me! How dare you put it on!" you follow in the direction of her voice.

"I think mother might just give it to me, if I convince her! And I know just what to do!"

You furrow your eyebrows and walk faster.

"I mean, it's not like you're the only one who's tasted her..." 

"What the fuck are you talking about, Bela!" you start to run. The anger in you has reached your nose. You feel as though you could spit fire.

"Mmmmm her taste! I wouldn't complain if there aren't any maidens left! I could survive solely on her cum..."

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now