God's Favourite- Part One

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Although Alcina was holding your hand with a firm grip, you both still sensed a bit of tension between you two. She would occasionally rub your palm with her thumb as she holds your hand to ease the awkwardness. You would give her a small smile and continue walking downstairs. You both walk down the stairs together to see Daniela holding Codie in her arms. Heisenberg was facing them and talking to little Codie. He would smile and giggle bashfully at Heisenberg. You stand by the stairs and watch them interact with a smile. Alcina lingers by you for a moment before slowly walking away towards the kitchen. You didn't bother looking at her but instead kept your eyes on the child. 

"Ah! You took my glasses!" Heisenberg playfully exclaims as Codie snatches his glasses from his face. The child squeals, much to Daniela's and Karl's amusement, and carefully places the glasses back on Heisenberg's face. He would thank Codie and the child would immediately repeat his actions, snatching Karl's glasses from his face and carefully resting them again on Karl's nose. 

"Alright, honey." you walk to Daniela and take Codie from her "Say bye-bye."

"Bye." he sweetly waves at Karl. Heisenberg smiles and gives Codie a sweet flying kiss. He tips his hat to you and walks to the main doors. As your eyes follow him, you spot two figures standing by the doors and chatting with each other. You sigh and watch as the two figures, Ethan and Mia, have a delicate conversation. The two seemed to have quite a distance between them. Ethan looked slightly hurt but he would quickly revert back to his original self. He nods, smiles at her and then walks to Heisenberg. You notice him telling Karl that he needs to tell him something as they walk out the doors. Mia watches them leave and then looks down at her shoes. She slowly turns to her left and smiles at something. You look at what she's looking at and see Chris in one corner, alert as ever. She turns around to look at you but immediately displays a blank expression as she spots the child. She slowly starts walking to you and in response, you grip Codie tightly. She reaches you and keeps the same expression.

"I'll be in the basement. Take whatever you want from me." she says to you without looking at the child, then proceeds to walk away. Chris gives you a small nod and walks behind Mia. 

"Mama, down!" Codie reaches his body to the ground, asking you to put him down. You smile and let him down, gently. He grins and trots around the hall. You smile at him and walk to the dining hall.

As you slowly approach the arch of the dining hall, you see Alcina sitting on the chair with Daciana standing beside her. She was looking up at Alcina with longing in her eyes but Alcina refused to look at her. You clench your jaw and speedily walk into the room.

"The child is in the hall, Daciana." you bluntly announce. Alcina continues to look at the ground as Daciana nods. She lingers by Alcina for a moment before giving up and walking towards you. She gives you a small but painful smile, and walks out of the room. You let out a gush of air through your nose as you approach Alcina. Her back and shoulders were stiff. She looks at you and smiles.

Suddenly, you feel a rush of lust centering near your groin. You speedily walk to her and duck underneath the table. You pull up her skirt and stretch her panties down to show you her groin. Without a moments hesitation, you run your tongue up and down her folds. You hear her moan quietly as her palm grips your head. Your hand grips her palm as you continue to lick her ferociously. You close your eyes as you take in the taste of her cum. She lets out a quiet moan and thrusts her hips back and forth as your tongue slides in.

Suddenly, you hear someone come in. Alcina takes a sharp inhale and you immediately knew who it was. You press your head against her groin and curl your tongue in her. You could feel her jerking but no sound comes out of her mouth. Her hand pushes your head in further to show you that she's coming and suddenly, her creams on your mouth. Her hand slowly releases your head as you let her ride out her quiet orgasm on your mouth. You slowly lick her clean and reveal yourself from underneath the cloth covered table. Without looking behind you, you climb up to kneel on her lap. She seemed to be looking at something behind you. Your face quickly reaches hers and you pull her head in for a long kiss. You deliberately moan loudly against her mouth and slowly turn around to look at Daciana with a smirk on your face. As expected, it was her that entered the room. She was holding two plates in her hands with her eyes on the ground, awaiting your command to let her set the plates in front of you. 

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