Roses On The Madam

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Alcina kicks her door open and places you on the ground. You hear someone running towards you which makes you turn your head.

"My lady! Y-you wanted to see m-me?" Maria manages to slow her panting and speak.

"Yes, Maria. Stand guard outside this door. No one, not even my daughters, is allowed to enter until I say so. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good. Bring us some lunch and place it on my vanity."

Alcina shuts the door on Maria's face. She turns around and kneels in front of you. She looks at you for a second and exhales through her mouth. She pulls you close to her by your arms, closes her eyes and rubs her nose all over your face. She stops, abruptly and looks into your eyes. You see a flash of anger but she is quick to hide it. Suddenly, a loud and hard spank falls of your backside which makes you gasp, silently, against her face.

"What were you doing running about the castle in the middle of the night?" her voice was cold but there was a bit of longing in it. 

"I went to fetch you a bottle of wine and-"

"And?" her voice grows colder.

"And nothing. I was kidnapped. As you well know." you whisper. Your voice starts to choke. Her dour manner of speaking was starting to scare you.

"Riveting." she says and picks you up by your waist. She walks to the wall and pushes it open to reveal her luxurious bathroom. She stands you down on the floor and turns on the taps to fill the bathtub. She faces you again and places her palms over each other.

"Now, I want only the truth from you, dear. Who were those girls and why were you at Heisenberg's?" she confronts. You part your mouth and look around. You didn't want to lie but at the same time, you didn't know if you must reveal the entire truth to her.

"I don' did you know about the girls?" you whisper.

"My daughters spotted them. Before they could get a hold of them, they ran out into the cold with you in their arms." she crossed her arms and looked away "And your whereabouts after that?"

"T-They wanted to know more about you but I don't know anything. They realised that they picked up the wrong girl. We were about to leave the crypt but your lycans hindered our path."

"Then?" she was still looking away.

"Then, Heisenberg came-"

"Yes, I'm aware of that..." she growled. She scrunched her nose and pouted like a child "Your brave saviour, isn't he?" her smirk was sarcastic. She shook her head and looked down.

"Alcina, you have a traitor-Well, several traitors working for you."

She looks at you and furrows her eyebrows "How do you mean?"

"That girl, Maria. She and a few of her mates, have an intimate relationship with Heisenberg. By intimate, I mean-"


"Um yeah."

"And how do you know this?" she cocked her head.

"H-he told me." you lie. You bite your tongue, internally and look down.

"So, this Maria has been visiting my false brother, has she?" she said, biting her teeth.

"Um no, not exactly. He's been uh...coming here. I don't know how many times but-"

"THAT PATHETIC OLD FOOL HAS BEEN IN MY CASTLE AND I HAVEN'T BEEN TOLD?!" she shouts. You squeeze your eyes shut and raise your shoulders due to the discomfort her booming voice was causing. 

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now