I Don't Like Surprises- Part One

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"I want to join you, baby. But..." Alcina sighs "I just...can't make myself go to that swamp."

"I understand, love." you smile at her as you sit on her lap in the empty living room. It's just you and her. You touch your nose with hers and close your eyes. She slides her hand up your thigh and gives it a little rub. 

"I have to go, honey." you rub your nose with hers.

"Hmm." she rubs your back and gives you a small kiss. You smile and hop off her lap. You leave the living room and find Heisenberg standing in front of the big doors while drawing circles on the ground with his foot. You smile and walk to him.

"Finally." he sighs and opens the doors. You both walk out and to the stables. You hear a few lycans roar in the distance signalling their presence. You both mount your horses and move forward to the gates. You wait for them to open and Karl looks back.

"Oh, fuck off." he grunts and sighs. You frown and look behind you. From the fog that clouded the entire vicinity, you see Alcina emerge on a big horse. You smile as you watch her come closer.

"Fuck okay let's go." Heisenberg rolls his eyes and leads the way.

"Actually." you call out as Alcina nears you "I'm going to hop off..." you hop off the horse and walk to Alcina's "And sit with the only person I want to keep me safe." you smile up at her and raise your hands towards her. She smiles and pulls you up. She sits you comfortably in front of her and makes the horse trot towards Heisenberg.

"Are we ready now?" he rolls his eyes again.

"Yes, yes. Off with you." Alcina speaks irritably. You snigger and hold Alcina's palms which were in turn gripping the reins. As the three of you trot towards the old windmill, you see Karl and Alcina looking around for possible danger. You bask in the protection they admittedly provide you. Somewhen, you reach a large reservoir of water. You sigh to release some panic as Karl and Alcina dismount. She helps you down and the three of you walk into the unknown area. 

The water stunk of fish and tar. The air was wet, making you feel a sense of ick. 

'I can't believe Miranda dumped him here.' you say to yourself as the three of you reach a small cabin located amidst the water. You don't hear anything.

"Ey Moreau?" Karl calls out as you and him walk into the house. You look back and see Alcina looking around the area, possibly evading coming in. You sigh and turn back and walk in with Karl. Karl looks into a room, waits for a moment and then enters. You turn around and see Alcina duck and enter the cabin, curiously looking around in disgust. 

"He's not here." Karl walks out and rubs his temple.


The sound of something hitting the water makes the three of you alert. You three  quickly walk out and scan the water.

"Where is he? Is he down there?" you whisper to Karl.

"I don't know, I'm looking." he scans the water but after moments of not spotting any movement. He rubs his temple again and pulls out his smoke pipe. He lights it and takes a big puff.

"Coming here was a mistake." Alcina says as she tries to free her shoes from fish bones that covered the wooden patio.

"Yeah well no one asked you, did we?" Karl mutters.

"Hey." you snap at him "I asked her." you narrow your eyes at him.

"Of course, you did." he rolls his eyes and lights his pipe again "Kay..." he takes a puff "Let's go back. He doesn't seem ready to talk." he turns around to look at you and walks past you and Alcina. You turn around and see Alcina frowning at the distance.

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