In The Lady's Chambers

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Andrea ran her hands up and down your arms, trying to slow down your heartbeat. She gripped your shoulders tightly and looked into your eyes "You gave us a good scare there, dear. The girls and I split up to search for you but you weren't in any of the places marked on the map." she closed her eyes and let out a sigh. "I feared the worst. I thought you had come across something....unfortunate." she opened her eyes to look at you. 'Is she talking about the daughters?'. She saw you frowning. "You didn't venture into the dungeons, did you?" her voice now grave and serious. "No, Andrea. I just got lost. Luckily, Diana found me, or else-"

Your eyes suddenly shot up as you saw Diana walk into the kitchen. You run over to her and examine her face. She looks exhausted. Cassandra must've really been harsh on her this time. Your eyes catch a bite mark on her neck, which was very red. You quickly look up at her and she gives you an exhausted smile "She had a little extra today." she managed to say. You smile at her and proceed to hold her hands but your fingers brush a cloth. You looked down to see bandages wrapped the bottom parts of both her hands, little red marks peeking through them. You closed your eyes but you felt a hand on your shoulder. You open your eyes to see Emilia and Margaretta beside Diana. Emilia kept her hand on your shoulder and smirked "Well, at least your arms aren't the colour of a tomato! That would mean double work for us!" the three giggled but you just smiled at Diana. Her green eyes looked sad.

Your little charade was interrupted my Andrea's call. Margaretta and Emilia quickly rushed to help the other maidens out. Diana walked past you and into the crowd of women. You start to follow her but your path was blocked by Andrea "No no, missy. Not a chance. I'm not letting you near the Dimitrescu's after what happened today morning. Sit down there and after dinner, I will personally escort you back to your room. I cannot imagine what the mistress would do to you if she sees you again today." she turns around to calm the chaos but your words stop her.

"Actually.." you start. She turns around to look at you "Hmm?". You look down at your palms and blush "Lady Dimitrescu has asked me to come see her today evening.". Her eyes widen in shock "Did she say when?" her expression remained the same. " The lady just said evening." you replied, quite embarrassed that you don't know when she wanted to see you.

'See me' you started to blush again. Andrea started to groan "Oh! Mother Miranda, please be merciful! Remember what I said, dear. Keep calm and speak only when spoken to." her eyes were still full of motherly concern. She turned around, shaking her head.


You and Diana ate quietly while the other two were yapping on about a topic. Margaretta and Emilia had conflicting opinions on the topic and they just couldn't stop talking over each other, not allowing the other to complete their sentences. At this point, you couldn't make head nor tail of what they were saying. Diana burst out laughing when Margaretta made Emilia almost spit out her water with a strange sentence. The two laughed as Emilia coughed. You gently started to pat her back to make her feel better. Just then, Andrea barged in on the conversation, just like before, and looked at you "Y/N..". You cocked your head to the side in confusion but quickly realised what she meant. You got up and walked over to the sink to do the dishes but Andrea's arm caught yours "There is no need for this, dear. Follow me.". You put the plate down on the counter and started to follow her. 

You memorized the way to Lady Dimitrescu's chamber. This was an involuntary action. You blushed before halting in front of the door. Andrea turned to you and mouthed "Remember what I said." without a sound. She knocked on the door with the door knocker and Lady Dimitrescu answered immediately.

"Come." her voice was stern and lacked emotion. Andrea pushed the door open for you before turning around and leaving, without giving you a second glance. 'Does she think I'm going to die?' you thought.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now