Fresh Wounds Always Hurt

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"Donna?" you enter the room from where you heard her voice-

"Oh, sorry!" you turn around. Donna seemed to be fresh out of a bath. The first thing you saw was her bare back, which faced you.

"Don't be." you hear her say whilst your back was still to her "I need some help with my zipper."

"" you say.

"Don't be so bashful, Y/N. We're both women. Please turn around and help me out." her voice was stern. She sounded nothing like the Donna you knew. You slowly turn around fully expecting Donna to be stark naked in front of you. But, to your great relief, she was fully clothed except for her back, which was exposed. You walk to her and zip her up quickly. 

"Thank you." she turns around and smiles, her wet hair framing the sides of her face.

"Yeah." you whisper and look down. She walks over to the master bed and tidies up the blanket. Your eyes move from her back to Angie, who was seated on a chair in a very peculiar fashion. Her head faced you and it looked like she was watching your every move. You frown and look at Donna.

"She's unusually quiet." you say. Donna looks over her shoulder and then back at the blanket she's folding.

"Ah, yes. It's best to keep her quiet." she clears her throat.

"Mm hmm." you agree. 

"Well. That's done." she turns around and smiles at you, crossing her arms in front of her "Come. Sit." she nudges her head to a couple of lounge chairs placed meticulously before the bed.

"Of course." you smile back. She waits for you to take a seat and then sits down. 

"Shall I ask for some tea?" you ask.

"Oh, no. I'm not thirsty." she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a case of cigarettes "May I interest you in one?" she offers the case to you.

"Oh...sure. Why not?" you smile and take one "I didn't know you smoke." you place the cigarette and lean in for Donna to light it. She leans in far too close and lights the cigarette. She lingers there for a bit and places one leg over her other, making her lean in even more.

"We all have our little secrets." she looks at your lips and grins. You clear your throat and lean back into the chair, taking a long puff of the cigarette. She lights one for herself without taking her eyes off you. You shake your head and clear your throat.

"Donna, I want to talk to you about what happened-"

"Oh, it is forgiven and forgotten." she smiles and takes a puff.

"Oh. Well, that's good. But I would like to clear a few misunderstandings."

"I said, there's no need." she looks right into your eyes, her face expressionless. You frown and shrug.

"If you say so." you mutter, looking out of the window and taking another drag.

"Are you mad at me?" she says immediately. You look at her and see that her expression still hasn't changed.

"N-No,'s just..." you shake your head and look down.

"It's just what?"

You lookup at her and lick your lips "You seem...different."

"Oh? In what way?" she cocks her head to the side, her attention was fully on you.

"Well..." you raise your eyebrows and look down "You seem very confident."

"And is that a bad thing?" she asks. You look up at her and see that she's raised an eyebrow.

"No, not at all but-"

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now