Slumber Party

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"What an elaborate library!" Jonathan exclaims, as the four of you walk in.

"There are more books here than you can count!" Daniela beams.

"Show off." Jonathan smirks at her which makes her laugh. She pulls him by his arm and sits him down on the plush sofa. Cassandra walks to one of the chairs opposite to where he was seated, and sits down, gracefully. Jonathan looks up at you. He extends his arm and lays it on the sofa's backrest, as if beckoning you to sit next to him. You pretend you didn't notice his invitation and walk over to the chair by Daniela and sit down. Jonathan raises his eyebrow and gives you a smirk. You smile and look down. Cassandra clears her throat and smiles at him.

"So, what do you do in your spare time?" she asks. Jonathan removes his arms from behind Daniela and the backrest, and leans in closer to Cassandra.

"Oh, you know, this and that." he smiles.

"I see." she blushes and twiddles her thumbs while looking at her fingers. Jonathan smirks and rests his back on the sofa, again. He turns his body around to face you and rests his arm on the backrest, right behind Daniela. You give him a subtle glare, cautioning him not to touch her. He was awfully close to her but he didn't brush any of his body parts against her. Daniela's eyes follow his arm and she giggles when he places it behind her.

"Am I late?" Bela came in running "I didn't know which one to bring so...the two best wines of House Dimitrescu for our...guest." he raises an eyebrow at Jonathan to which, he only smirks. Bela frowns at her failed attempt to scare him.

"And where are the glasses?" you ask.

"What glasses?"

"The wine glasses, Bela! Don't tell me you forgot them."

Bela rolls her eyes and hands you the bottles "I'll go get them."

"Sit here. I'll bring them." you stand up.

"Believe me, it'll be faster if I go." she raises an eyebrow.

"Sit down, Y/N. She can get the glasses." Jonathan speaks in a dominating tone. He looks you up and down and smirks.

"Sit.Down.Bela." you grind your teeth. Jonathan lowers his eyes and smirks, again. He looks at Daniela and gives her a wide smile, making her blush and giggle. 

"Bela, walk me to the door." you command and walk ahead. Bela follows you and as you reach the door, you turn around and hand her the bottles.

"I give you full permission to tear him to shreds if he touches you or your sisters. The two of them are too smitten to notice the red flags. Clear?"

"Crystal." she smirks and takes the bottles from you and runs back in. You let out a huff and walk down to the kitchen.

You take out five wine glasses from the cabinet and place them on a tray.

"Can I help you with that?" 

You turn around to see little Olivia smiling at you.

"Oh, no. It's alright." you smile.

"Really, it's no trouble." she takes the tray from you. You shrug and walk ahead. She walks by you in complete silence. As you both walk up the stairs, she clears her throat.

"I know it's not my place but...I want you to know that you can tell me if the Lady or her daughters are torturing you." she looks down.

"And even if they are, what can a puny thing, like yourself, do? Protect me?" you chuckle. Olivia smiles, faintly.

"No, it's just...I heard what Miss. Bela did to you and..." she sighs "She'll get her punishment, one day. I'm sure of it."

You grab Olivia by her arms and pin her to the wall adjacent to you.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now