Toy Chest

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Miranda placed your fingers under hers as she sat you down on her lap in front of the piano. She rested the side of her head on your back and let out a sigh. You didn't care what you played. You just stared out the window. The environment outside was gloomy which dampened your mood, even further.

"Eva, honey? You love mummy, don't you?" Miranda's fingers moved with yours. You didn't know how to respond to her mumbo jumbo so you just stayed quiet.

"I'll have to get used to you being so big!" she mumbled again. You furrow your eyebrows and let out a little sigh. She kept chuckling, intermittently, which was starting to scare you. 

'What is she doing?'

You turn your head slightly to face her. Her eyes were completely closed. Her hands leave from over your fingers and around your waist, to hug you from behind. For some reason, as if to match the music, she swayed you side to side. You roll your eyes and continue to play. She let out another sigh and placed her chin on your back to look at you.

"Question?" she asked.


"Hmm." she rested the side of her head on your back again and continued to sway you.

"You smell just like him, you know?" Miranda spoke again. You turn your head again to look at her but her eyes were shut. She opens them and looks at you. She gets you up, removes the collar from your neck and turns you around, swiftly, to face her.

"Behave, Eva." she plants a kiss on your forehead and vanishes, leaving a few crow's feathers in her place.

You walk out of the room and towards yours. You enter, shut the door behind you and sit on the chair by the window. A few tears escape your eyes but you rub your nose to compose yourself. You hear two knocks on the door followed by Donna's entry. She removes her veil and closes your door behind her. Her hair was neatly tied into a bun. She placed her hands over each other and stopped right in front of you.

"Who is Eva, Donna?"

"She was Miranda's child."

You turn around and look out the window again. You hear Donna walk to you. 

"I-I can help you feel a little better."

You smirk, still looking out of the window "There's nothing you can do." 

"Actually, I can."

You turn around and frown at her.

'If she means sex-'

She reached into her pocket and took out two yellow flowers, the same ones that hang from the ceilings of her house, and brought them close to your face.



"Inhale the pollen, Y/N."

You frown and bring your face closer to the flower. You breathe in the air and close your eyes. You open your eyes and see a gloved hand holding the same two flowers. You look up and see Alcina smiling down at you. 

"Alcina?" you exclaim, quietly.

"I'm still Donna, Y/N."

You couldn't believe what you were seeing. She kneels down and removes her gloves. Slowly, she extends her palm to meet your face, to caress it. Her hands feel warm against your skin, indicating that she is, indeed, Donna. 

"Will this help?" Alcina/Donna asks. You smile and nod your head. She smiles in turn and plants a kiss on your cheek. She pulls away and rests her forehead against yours. Nothing more needed to be said and nothing more needed to be done. You were happy to sit like this. You both sat in the same position for what seemed like half an hour.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now