Friend And Foe- Part Two

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"Y/N, stop!" A familiar voice called out to you and held you by the shoulders. You turn around slowly to see a concerned Diana looking at you. "What is the matter with you? Did something happen?". You shook your head and finally familiarized yourself with reality. " no. I was just walking and I got lost." you finally managed to say. She was now frowning at you "Without supervision? You must really want to die." she looked quite disappointed in you. You shook her hands off and said "No. Andrea had given me a map but I couldn't really understand much of it." "Right. Where is it then?". You put your hands into your pockets to search for it but it was nowhere on you. 


"It doesn't matter. We'll get you another to help you navigate through the castle." her expression was reassuring and calm. "How did you find me, Diana?" you ask the girl. She raised her eyebrows and began to answer your question, turning you around and leading the way beside you "Well, you and Emilia hadn't eaten lunch and when it came to Andrea's attention, she prepared a bowl of leftovers and made her way to your room, assuming you had retired early. When she didn't find you there, she tried the library. When you weren't there either, she came back to the kitchen. Margaretta, Emilia and I have been searching for you for an hour now." she let out a relieved sigh and continued "To be honest, I'm lucky I found you before the daughters found me." she looked down while placing her palms over each other. She then looked at you and smiled.

"Why-" my words were cut off by the sound of buzzing. "Oh, dear." Diana started to tense beside you. She held your hand quickly. Her hands had started to sweat. 'She's so afraid. The daughters might be picking on her a lot more than she leads on.'

As you look around, two figures form in front of you. The blonde and the brunette look at you both like predator to prey. The blonde licked her lips and the brunette continued to smirk.

"Well, well. If it isn't mummy's two favourite gems." the brunette said and laughed loudly. The blonde's eyes now went down to your arms and noticed how Diana held it. "Love birds!" she exclaimed. "This just got so much more interesting!" she continued as she walked closer and closer to you. Her sister followed her. They both eyed you mischievously. 

"Bela, Cassandra, please. Don't-" Diana's voice was cut off by the blonde, Bela, when she reached and grabbed Diana's throat. "Shut up, you filth! Don't you dare talk to me without my permission! You're only alive because your blood is precious. Don't test my patience. I'm quite the rebel, you know. I will defy my mother's orders if necessary!". As Bela continued to intimidate and threaten Diana, Cassandra, the brunette, was still eyeing me. Bela let go of Diana and she gasped for air. They continued towards you both making the both of you stumble and fall to the ground. They both threw their heads back and laughed.

"How pitiful!" Bela said whilst frowning, sarcastically. Cassandra bent down to you.

"Rawr!" she said which made both you and Diana get up and run. 

"I call dibs on the new blood!" Bela's voice was frightening as it sounded very course. You continue to run as fast as your legs can take you while still hearing the sadistic giggles of Bela, who was not quite far from you. You had no idea where you were going but you had no courage to stop. Suddenly, you took a sharp turn, which Bela missed. She seemed to go right on ahead.


You looked back. Did you actually lose her? Right then, as if reading your mind, you hear the familiar buzzing again. "Where are you, little one? Come out now!" Bela teased and giggled. You looked around and spotted a large door with the same crest you saw yesterday. Your eyes widen as you realise that this might be the exit through which you had come yesterday. You push the door open but frown to see that the little hallway doesn't ring a bell. You closed the door behind you and moved ahead, slowly. 

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now