Rough Play

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"Finally awake!" 

You open your eyes and see that your hands are tied up in chains. The chains are connected and locked to something on the cold, stony floor. You sit up and panic settles in. Miranda is nowhere to be seen but instead of her, are three beings you recognize. 

"So, you are my older sister's new squeeze. I must say, you're quite a handful if Mother Miranda wants you so badly." the man with the top hat and sunglasses talks to you.

"Mother doesn't want her badly!" the humanoid creature speaks before you open your mouth.

"Oh, shut your fucking hole. Talk about your mushy crush on Mother Miranda to your fish friends." the man with the top hat replies to the humanoid being, coldly, then looks back at you and grins.

"Sorry about that." he sits down on a bench placed to your left. He smokes his pipe and looks at you again, now with a frown "Saaaayyy, aren't you the little rat who offered that thing a chair?" he says, pointing at the humanoid creature. You turn to look at the humanoid creature then look back at the top hat man.

"Well, well. It is you! Pleasure to make your reacquaintance, Miss.?"

"Y/N." you whisper.

The top hat man tips his hat with his free hand "Karl Heisenberg." he introduces himself and smiles "I assume the big bitch hasn't told you about us, has she?"

You shake your head.

"Ah, well. Typical of her. You know my name already. That there is Donna Beneviento and her loud mouth of a doll, Angie. That good-for-nothing, dud head of a thing there is Salvatore Moreau." he introduces the rest of the familiar people to you. You look at them, uncomfortably. This isn't how someone is typically introduced to several people: in chains. Your eyes wander around the room to figure out where you are but the place is completely alien to you. Loud and distant growls could be heard but you pay them no heed.

"Sorry about the hit. I was ordered to do it." Heisenberg broke the silence. He put his palm next to his mouth as if to tell you a secret "If it was up to me, I would just ask Donna to toss a few of her fuck-flowers at you and put you in a trance. Would've saved me and my lycans the burden." he straightens himself again "Speaking of lycans, there isn't a single scratch on you. Very odd. They're not the most gentle of creatures. They even hesitated when I ordered one of them to carry you." he frowned.

'Alcina's gift worked.'

"I would've dragged you here myself, but seeing as you are Mother Miranda's new favourite..." he looked at Moreau. For some reason, he growled and was coming towards you, angrily. But Heisenberg saw what was coming and moved in between you and the charging Moreau "Easy there, brother. You know what can happen to you if something were to happen to her." Heisenberg warned Moreau, holding him by his cloak. Moreau gave you one last look and backed away.

"Aww, Karl! You party pooper! It seems you've lost your sense of entertainment." Angie spoke. She hopped off of Donna's lap and trotted over to you "I was very rudely cut off when I tried to acquaint myself with you, last time. I'm Angie."


"I stand by my words: you are indeed very beautiful. We will be great playmates, now that Mother Miranda is giving you to us!"

"What?!" you shouted.

Suddenly, all the lycans went completely still. The growling and roaring had stopped. Heisenberg, Moreau and Donna stood up and Angie trotted back from whence she came. Out of the darkness from your left, came Miranda. Her mask was on her face. She walked past you, without giving you a glance. Miranda walked to a pedestal and Moreau walked behind her. She stepped on the pedestal and turned around to look at you. Moreau stopped right in front of the pedestal and grinned at her. Miranda gave you a very mischievous grin and motioned for the others to sit.

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