Mother's Property

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Donna holds your hand and opens the front door. A surge of wind greets you like an old friend. Donna drapes a thick cloak around you to keep you warm.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. Mother Miranda told me to make you look vulnerable. Else, I would've given you better clothes." Donna explained with guilt. Your makeshift clothes helped you in no way but to keep the parts that need to be covered, covered. But the cloak was a big improvement. You smile at Donna and she turns around. As soon as you step out, she lets go of your hand, probably not wanting to be caught. She walked on ahead and Angie trotted behind you, with a tray. The tray had a teapot, cups, a jar of milk and a container of sugar. You were sandwiched in between the two of them. You figured it was their method to keep you safe. 

After a good ten minute walk, you both reach a small house, guarded by a lycan. The big thing recognised Donna and opened the door to let you three enter. Donna lead you through the small hallway and stopped in front of a big door.

"Y/N, listen." she turned to look at you "Do not peak in at any cost. Stay hidden right there. Take the tray from Angie and enter when you're called."

"Here you go." Angie hands the tray to you. You take it and look back at Donna. She places a hand on you which gives you a sense of assurance, picks up Angie and opens the door to walk in. 

"Ah, Donna! Just in time!" Miranda's voice diffused excitement. Donna turns around to close the door but Miranda's command stops her.

"No No, daughter. Leave it open a tad bit." you didn't even have to look at Miranda to know that she commanded Donna with a smirk. Donna nodded and left the door completely open. You could hear the movement of a chair. After a good minute, Miranda raised her voice again.

"Now, as I was saying, the girl has been dealt with. There is no need to worry about anything. She is in good hands." her voice was loud enough for you to hear. That was obviously her intention. Moreau and Heisenberg chuckled, as did she. 

"It has come to my attention that the Eveline girl is dead and Mia Winters has successfully left the Baker estate. However, that kid Lucas has been keeping me updated about their whereabouts and has also sent me a sample of Ms. Winters' blood just before she made her escape with her husband. It is quite extraordinary, I must say. If all else fails and if she were to procreate, her progeny might be a better vessel. But, more on that later. I am parched, indeed. Donna, this is your estate. Am I correct in assuming that you've brought us something?"

"Of course, Mother Miranda."

"How considerate." Miranda's tone was sarcastic. She cleared her throat and called out.

"You, out there! Please enter." she was calling you. You pick up on the cue, drop your cloak and let out a huff.

You enter the room and see the four lords and Miranda, herself. Alcina's back was facing you but when she turned around and saw you, her face was ridden with shock. Her eyes scanned you. She noticed the collar and the rag of a dress. Tears start to form in her eyes. You couldn't look at her anymore so you walk ahead and place the tray on the table. All of this was too familiar. A sense of Deja-vu hit you but this time, your position was more delicate. 

"Hello, gorgeous. Will you do the honour of serving us?" Miranda chuckled at you. You looked up and glared at her but did as asked. Not once did you look at Alcina. You pour the steaming tea into five glasses. You pick up two and move to your right, placing the cups in front of Heisenberg and Moreau. You walk back, pick up two more cups and place one in front of Donna and the other in front of Alcina. You linger for a second more to look up at her as her hand moved closer to you-

"Have you forgotten about me?" Miranda was quick to cut Alcina's actions short. You walk back and pick up the other cup and place it in front of her. Before you could walk back, however, Miranda grabs you by your chain.

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