Family Meeting- Part Three

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"Uh huh." Alcina raises an eyebrow "And how exactly are you planning on executing her?" she crosses her arms in front of her.

"Can you stop with that fucking attitude?" Karl looked irritated "This is why no one likes you."

"And yet, I remain Miranda's favorite." Alcina states, with a smirk.

"Sure. That's why she ordered the mass genocide of everyone in this part of the village, knowing very well that they were your source of nutrition. Wake up and smell the damn coffee, sis." he rolls his eyes. Alcina pulls a face and looks away.

"She didn't do it on purpose." she mutters under her breath.

"Maybe not." Karl crosses his arms in front of him "And I'm pretty sure she fucked Y/N by mistake, too. I mean, according to your ignorance." he gestures to Alcina. She darts her eyes to him and bares her teeth.

"Don't talk-"

"She is powerful, yes. That is why we have to find her weak spot. And we all know who that is." he looks at you and smirks.

"Leave her out of this!" Alcina barks.

"Nothing would make me happier. But, as we have established, this girl has caught Miranda's eyes." he walks to you "You will kill her, Y/N. You must."

"Enough of this!" Alcina stands up "I won't let her anywhere near Miranda!"

"I'm afraid, you don't have a choice." Donna adds. She looks up at Alcina "She is both the bait and the prey."

"Donna, I will rip your narcissistic heart right out of you!" Alcina spits "I haven't forgotten about what you did!"

"That makes two of us." Donna glares at you. 

"Okay..." Karl rubs his temples "I don't know what happened between the two of you but-"

"SHE TRIED TO TEAR MY FAMILY APART! THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED!" Alcina's voice boomed throughout the room.


"Okay, enough!" you raise your hands and shush the two of them. You walk to Donna and lean down to look into her eyes "You will listen to me, carefully. I said nothing about your face. Nor did I express disgust. That bitch Miranda knew where and what would sting you. And she was right. I have told you before. You are a good woman and a good friend. And that is the truth. You can believe what you want to believe." you straighten your back and walk to Alcina. Donna looks down at Angie.

"Okay. Let's everyone calm down. There's no need for any bickering. We must work together." Karl places his hands on his hips "Moreau. You're quiet."

Moreau was looking down. He parts his lips and licks his teeth "Mother Miranda will kill all of you. Then, we can finally live in peace. Only the two of us." he mumbles and gets up. 

"Not to seem rude but...Miranda doesn't give two fucks about you." you mutter.

"You are no one to say that!" Moreau start to walk to you, pointing his finger in your direction "You are a filthy liar! And you will die!"

"Come kill me, then." you fold your hands "You say you'll do anything for Miranda and I plan on killing the bitch. Don't you want to protect her? Come on, kill me." 

"Y/N-" Alcina places her hand on your shoulder.

"Don't, Alcina. This one talks too much. I want to see what he's made of." you glare at Moreau "Come on, then. Do it."

Moreau hesitates and looks at Karl "Mother needs you-"

"Your mother wants nothing but power. She doesn't care what happens to you. Look at where you're living. In a fucking swamp. While Alcina and the others have a proper home." you spit.

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