Building Blocks

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"Honey, you're dropping your toys." you crouch to pick up his stuffed octopus. It was a new morning but last night's farce with Miranda is still dominating your subconscious. What stings you most of all is the fact that you didn't hate the experience. If anything, it was a very new and a very intriguing territory for you.

'Stop it, Y/N.' you close your eyes and sigh.


You look at Codie's outstretched arm, asking for his stuffed toy.

"Please ottopusso." he looks at his little toy. You smile and hand him the toy.

"Here, sweetheart."

He takes it from you and tries to balance his three toys in his tiny hands.

"What should you say, Codie?" you raise an eyebrow and look at him.

"Thankoo." he mutters. His concentration was solely on his toys.

"You're welcome, sweet baby." you smile at him. He looks at you and smiles, squishing his face against the gap of the two bars of his crib. You lean in and give him a small kiss. He backs away and squeals out of excitement. You throw your head back and chuckle and he immediately goes back to playing make believe with his three comrades. You stick your hand through the gap and tuck his wavy blonde hair behind his ear. 

'How beautiful is this child.' 

Suddenly, two knocks fall on the door making you stand up. The door opens and in enters Miranda.

"Hello, darling." she looks at you in wonderment and speaks in a low tone "How are you today?" she walks in and crosses her arms in front of her, her eyes continuing to display the same expression of wonderment.

"Fine." you say and look at Codie. He was looking at Miranda and frowning. You display a small smile but revert back to your original expression.

"Um..." she looks down and walks to you "I want to apologize."

"Hmm? Apologize for what?" you kneel down and continue to play with Codie.

"The way we left things." she says and walks closer to where you are kneeling "We can talk about-"

"There's nothing to discuss." you interrupt her, your eyes still on Codie's toys.

"I see." she whispers. You want to look at her but you keep your eyes on what Codie's doing. He would give her an occasional look but would quickly resume playing with you. Suddenly, Miranda kneels next to you and places her hands on her thighs.

"What are you playing, Codie?" she tries to engage in conversation. Codie gives her a scowl and goes back to playing. Miranda clears her throat to ease the weird atmosphere you and Codie created around her. 

"May I?" she asks him and sticks her hand through one of the gaps. She picks up the wooden horse and trots it to him.

"Look, Codie. Trot trot trot..." she grins and trots it to his thigh. He takes the toy from her, gives her a scowl and turns his back to her. He then looks at you and smiles.

"I understand." Miranda mutters and looks away. You pick up Codie's octopus and interact with his horse.

"Children are less forgiving, Miranda." you say as you start to gently tackle his little horse with the octopus "Being a mother doesn't mean kidnapping a child and forcing him to love you. It doesn't work that way."

Miranda stays silent and waits for you to finish what you're saying.

"Children are simple beings." you start bopping the octopus up his body to his nose "They will trust you only if you allow them to. Only if you give them love." you say and boop the octopus against his nose. He giggles and takes the octopus from you. You look at Miranda and see her smiling at little Codie. 

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now