Replacing Old Toys

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Dressed in your rags, Donna walks with you to the venue of the meeting which happened to be the same one as last time. The lycan seems to be missing from its post, allowing you to enter, scot-free. Angie hands you the tray with the teapot, the cups and the whole nine yards of it. Donna opens the big door and enters.

"Bring the girl in, Donna." Miranda commands as soon as Donna enters. You enter the room and find yourself in the company of your posse and Miranda. Alcina and the other lords are nowhere to be seen. 

"She'll be here shortly, my dear. Come here, now." Miranda catches you looking around and invites you to stand by her. You place the tray on the table and walk to her. She was already seated on her chair and watches you as you near her. Donna takes a seat next to hers and places Angie on her lap. Miranda seems impatient and pulls you closer by your dress. She throws her arms over your neck and smiles.

"And how are we today?"


"Hmm." she scans you up, down and all over. You cross your hands behind you showing her that you take no pleasure in seeing her again. 

Without announcing themselves, Heisenberg and Moreau enter the room. Moreau lets out a grunt as if acknowledging your presence and Heisenberg just tips his hat to you.

"Mother Miranda." he tips his hat to her and sits as far away from her as possible. He takes out his pipe from his pocket and proceeds to smoke it. Miranda lets go of you and places her hands on the table, still looking at you. Due to the discomfort, you let out a sigh and look down.

You hear the clicking of heels in the distance and within two seconds you hear two knocks on the already open door. Alcina ducks and enters the room with the grace of a peacock. She gives you one look and takes a few steps forward. Shortly after that, you hear footsteps of another. Confused, you look to the door, tearing your eyes away from Alcina. 

A girl with bright blonde hair and a thin frame stands at the door. She wore a long blue sleeved dress with the Dimitrescu crest embroidered near her heart. 

"Well, well. If it isn't Alcina's new maiden." Miranda speaks up. Your eyes widen in shock. You look at Alcina but she didn't look back at you. She fiddled with her thumbs and let out a sigh of nervousness. 

"Enter, dear." Miranda invites the unknown intruder in. She was much shorter than you and much younger than you, as well. Her face was plain as a sheet of unused parchment. She walks nervously to Alcina and stands next to her. Miranda chuckles and rests her chin on her hand.

"And what might your name be?" she questions the young maiden. 

"Maria, ma'am." she looks at Mother Miranda.

"Keep your eyes down!" Alcina growls at her. She stiffens and does as commanded. 

"So nice to see you happy with the new one, Alcina. Tell me Maria dear, what are your chores in the castle?" Miranda mocks her. 

"I am lady Dimitrescu's personal maiden, ma'am."

You feel anger bubbling within you. 'How could she replace me so easily?' The girl was neither beautiful nor attractive in any way. You scan her in disgust.

"Personal maiden? How so?" Miranda questions her again.

"I tend to my mistress when she requires me, ma'am." she replies. She hadn't raised her eyes.

"Oh, how sheepish you are, indeed. Have you met Y/N here? She's my...let's say...most prized asset." Miranda placed an arm on your shoulder. The girl looks up at you but you glare back. Alcina clears her throat and adjusts herself on her chair.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now