Business Partner- Part Two

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"Mr. Wesker. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." you smile.

The man was tall and handsome. He modelled a well tailored suit, which complimented his well built physique. His hair was brunette to his shoulders and his eyes were a deep green. His eyebrows framed his big eyes and his smile was very patronizing.

"Likewise." he shook your hand and sat down. You exhale and sit down next to him.

"How was your journey here? Any hurdles on the way?" you ask.

"It was very pleasant, thank you."

"I see."

'There's no way he didn't see the lycans.'

"Very good." you smile "Now, to business."

"Yes." he smiles and takes out a folder from his bag "Marketing is going on much better than perceived. All thanks to your handiwork, my lady." he places her hands on the table and leans in, still flashing his pearly whites.

"That's reassuring." you smile "Any advancements?"

He raises an eyebrow and smirks "Sure." he grins.

'Why's he looking at me like that? Can he see through this facade?'

He pushes his chair close to yours and almost brushes his hands with yours "These need some signatures..." he flips through the pages, silently mumbling the numbers.

"Of course." you look at Alcina's sign and try to replicate it onto the pages.

"I have received the latest sample of your new selection. I must say, it is quite exemplary!" he grins, leaning in a bit closer.

"Well, that's good." you lean away to let some space in.

"How did you come about making such exquisite wines?" he frowns and smiles, as if mocking you.

"Well, you comes to me." you smile, not wanting to make eye contact. He nods and grins. He leans back and runs his fingers through his manicured hair. He lets out a long breath through his nose and smirks at you. You raise your eyebrows and look at the papers.

"How long until we see promising sales?" you ask. He frowns and leans in again.

"We already have. We've discussed this on the phone, haven't lady?" he smirks, sarcastically.

"What is that tone of voice?" you were starting to get very irritated with his demeanor. He displays a sarcastic shocked expression and smiles at you with raised eyebrows.

"What tone of voice?"

"Yeaaaaahhhh don't act smart." you glare at him "You don't think I am the Lady, do you?"

"Well, I never said-"

"You're a cocky man. You're starting to get on my nerves." you grind your teeth and spit at him.

"Woah, woah. Let's take a step back. I never insinuated anything, did I? I wonder why you're getting so insecure." he scratches his chin in a haughty way "Unless..." he raises his eyebrows.

"Unless, what?!" you almost shout.

Two knocks fall on the door and a young maiden comes in with a tray.

"I apologise, Madam Dimitrescu. Lady Dimitrescu sent some refreshment." she says and places the tray on the table.

"T-Thank you." you look down and blush "You may leave."

"Yes, ma'am." she curtsy's and runs out of the room, shutting the door behind her. 

Mr. Wesker chuckles and runs his hands through his hair, leaning back on the chair "So...Madam Dimitrescu..." he folds his hands in front of him "Well, that explains your behaviour, heretofore." he grins.

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now