Love Is In The Air

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"Alright. Easy." you raise your hands. His grip had hijacked all of your movements, essentially making you dance to his tunes. 

"All of you will fucking stay here." he glares at everyone. He scans the room one last time, his eyes finally landing on Donna, who was holding Angie close to her face.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Ethan barks at her. She widens her eyes in shock, as if showing him that he caught her doing something mischievous. He tightens his grip on your neck and presses the gun against your forehead, making you wince.

"Hand over the doll." Ethan commands. Donna shakes her head and raises Angie to cover her face.

 Donna shakes her head and raises Angie to cover her face

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"Listen, you piece of shit. I'll kill this girl, I'm not kidding." he yanks you a bit, making Alcina weep more "Give this girl the fucking doll. Now."

"I-I can't!" Donna protests.

"So, you ARE hiding something. You think I wouldn't notice?" Ethan smirks "I'm going to tell you one last time. Give her the motherfucking doll or else she dies!" he shouts. Donna hesitates for a second but reluctantly, hands you Angie. You see two tears escaping her eyes.

"Take the fucking doll, girl." Ethan commands. You take Angie from Donna but when Ethan looks around at everyone else to make sure they were as still as stagnant water, Donna gives you a small smirk and a wink. You furrow your eyebrows and look at Angie. The back of her head, which was covered by her veil, was adorned with yellow flowers. You give her a look and grip Angie.

"Let's go." Ethan yanks you out of the room "Where to, now?"


"What? You said that kid was upst-"

"The others don't know about the kid! I have kept him hidden! You saw how Jill reacted." Ethan pushes you to the staircase as you continue to try to dissuade him.

"Why haven't you told anyone?" he asks.

"Do you even know how I will be rewarded if I am the one to deliver the child to Mother Miranda? I will become eternally beautiful! Just like her! Then, I can finally leave this joke of a village." you chuckle, villainously. 

"You're all fucking crazy." he mutters as you both walk down the stairs. You feel him looking everywhere, making sure no one is following him. 

"We can work together, Ethan." you mumble.

"What was that?"

"You and I. I want that kid dead, as much as you do. We can deliver the kid to Miranda and we can both be rewarded."

"I don't care about your personal problems." he spits.

"Oh, you should. Don't you want to know why Mia fucked Jack?" you smirk. Suddenly, he digs his gun into your forehead and chokes you.

"Don't utter a word about my wife! She couldn't help it!" he barks.

"Oh, you poor boy. How I pity you." you chuckle, angering him even further. 

The Romanian Noblewoman (Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now